Chapter 39

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"Billie." She said, taking his hand in one of her's, the other still on her stomach. "My water's just broken." 

Billie looked at her, his eyes were wide. "The baby's coming?" He asked, a small smile on his face. At first he appeared calm but when (Y/n) nodded in reply to his question, he started to freak out a little bit.

"Shit!" He said, anxiously moving on the same spot. "We're having a baby!" He gave a small laugh before he took her hand and helped her sit on the bed.  As soon as she sat down she felt another sharp pain shooting through her body. She winced as Billie took her in his arms. "Contraction?" He asked, not expecting (Y/n) to reply. She just nodded her head and tried to control her breathing; her eye were shut tight in the hope that it would help to eliminate some of the pain. When most of the pain had subsided, she buried her head into Billie's shoulder and he ran his fingers through her hair. Billie's chest was bare but the smell of him was intoxicating and it surrounded (Y/n). With that, she knew that she was safe. 

"It's going to be okay." Billie told her as she took another sharp breath in as she felt yet another contraction coursing through her body. "Is it another one babe?" He asked, as he rubbed her back and stroked her hair, for some reason she found this extremely comforting, especially when Billie did it. "Yeah." She replied, trying to hold back the tears as he gripped onto Billie a little bit tighter. He didn't mind, he just wanted her to know that he was there with her all the way.

 Within the next hour or so, the contractions only became wore and more frequent. "We need to get you to the hospital." Billie said. He couldn't stand to see (Y/n) in pain anymore. He jumped up from the bed and threw on some clothes before getting his phone out. "What are you doing?" (Y/n) asked as he dialled a number and put the phone to his ear. "Ringing your mum and mine. To let them know what's happening." He said, making (Y/n) smile as someone answered on the other end of Billie's phone. "Hi, (Y/M/n). Sorry to wake you." He stated as he allowed her to say something. "Yeah, (Y/n)'s in labour. We're about to head to the hospital now." A scream of excitement was heard on the other end of the phone. "See you there." Billie the did the same for his own mother, a scream being received in return for him bearing the news. "They're going to meet us there." He said as he helped (Y/n) up from the bed and downstairs. 

"Have you got everything in your hospital bag?" He asked as he grabbed his car keys. "Yeah." (Y/n) replied, her breathing heavy and shaky. "Let's go and have our baby." Billie smiled as he helped her into the car. The whole way there, (Y/n) was in tears and clutching hold of her stomach whenever she felt a contraction. "I know baby." Billie said, placing his hand on her leg to reassure her. When they arrived at the hospital, Billie helped (Y/n) out of the car before grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. When they walked in (Y/M/n) and Ollie were at the front desk. "Is she here yet?" (Y/M/n) demanded as Ollie said. "There they are!" 

Billie was the only thing holding her up. "(Y/n)/" She looked up to see her midwife. "Come on, let's get this baby out, shall we?" 

(Y/M/n) and Ollie remained outside the room but told (Y/n) that they loved her as Billie remained by her side. He helped (Y/n) onto the bed and she was examined by the midwife. "Not long now and you'll be ready to push." (Y/n) gave a small smiled and Billie kissed her.

"Billie?" (Y/n) said as he wiped away a tear that was rolling down her face. "Yes babe?" He replied as (Y/n) looked up at him. "I don't think that I can do this." She admitted. "I'm really scared." 

Billie smiled and kissed the top of her head. "You have nothing to be scared of. I am right here with you. You can do this, I know that you can. I'm here every step of the way." (Y/n) found the strength to kiss him back and stared into his eyes. "I'm so lucky to have you. I love you." 

 "I love you too." He returned. "God, I'm going to love this kid, just as much as I love you." (Y/n) smiled as the midwife announced that it was time. "You've got this." Billie said as he held her hand. 

Having Billie there made all of the difference in the world. (Y/n) was reassured that nothing would happen as long as Billie was there, holding her tight. "I love you." Billie said. "You can do this babe." This was the boost that you needed and (Y/n) didn't seemed scared anymore, only determined to get the baby that she and Billie had wanted for so long. She continued to push. "Keep doing what you're doing (Y/n). You're doing great!" The midwife told her as she continued to push. That's when she hit a wall. "I can't do it." She whispered to Billie as she felt herself stop pushing. Billie just smiled at her and kissed her hand. "You can. You are the strongest person I know." He said as (Y/n) cried in pain. "I believe in you (Y/n)." With that, she carried on pushing until she reached her final surge and a couple of minutes later, that's when they heard it. The cry of their baby. "Babe" Billie said in excitement. "You did it!" as they two of them kissed. 

The midwife carefully handed you, your beautiful baby. "I can't believe it." (Y/n) said, crying in disbelief. "I can't believe it."

"I'm so proud of you." Billie said, as kissed the top of her head. He was crying and wasn't ashamed of it. 

"Have you got a name picked out yet?" The midwife asked. (Y/n) and Billie looked at each other and smiled, having already decided on a name. "(Y/C/n)" Billie smiled as he looked down at the baby in (Y/n)'s arms "(Y/n) Armstrong."



I was supposed to be writing my psychology essay but look at what I wrote instead! 

WHEW! All the emotions! They finally got their baby! 

I got really emotional writing this 😭. I hope that you enjoyed it. Did you need tissues? Because I certainly do.  I decided to use (Y/C/n) **YOUR CHILD'S NAME** instead of picking whether or not they had a boy or a girl, so then it gives you freedom to choose. Just a head's up, the next chapter will probably be a bit of a long one, I am going to do it where Ollie and (Y/M/n) meet (Y/C/n) for the first time and then when Mike and Tre meet their godchild for the first time, because who doesn't love them?

Anyways, look out for the next chapter!

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