Chapter 7

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It was Saturday and (Y/n) was ill. However, she wasn't going to let it stop her from going out with Billie. She wasn't going to call it a date because she wasn't sure if that's what it was. For all she knew it could be two friends going out for dinner together. She couldn't determine that it was a date from the kiss the two of them had shared. Even though she wanted it to be a date, she wasn't going to call it that, especially in front of him, in case she made a tit of herself and ruined any chance that she had with him because he thought that she was too eager for something like that.

Billie text her to say that he was on his way to collect her. She smiled at the text and went and stood in front of the mirror. She'd decided to wear a black dress, have her hair curled and wore a tiny bit of makeup, which was completely out of her comfort zone but she wanted to hide how hideous she looked when she was ill. Her mother had gone out, in order to allow (Y/n) to get ready without any distractions. The final thing that she needed was perfume. She sprayed a little bit when someone knocked on the door.

She opened it and Billie stood there, looking extremely smart, with a blazer and shirt. (Y/N) invited him in and closed the door behind him, when she turned around he was staring at her. "Wow." He smiled. "You look amazing."

"It's not too much, is it?" She asked, moving a piece of hair out of her eye.

"No. You look amazing." He repeated but looked worriedly at (Y/n).

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You don't look very well."

"No. I'm fine, honestly. Just feeling a bit under the weather." As she started to walk past him into the kitchen, she started to feel a little faint and he grabbed hold of her just in time. "I'm cancelling our reservation." He stated as he sat her down at the kitchen table.

"No, Billie. Honestly, I'm fine."

"No. You're not. You need to rest." He smiled, running his hand through her hair. "How about, I cancel our reservation and make you dinner instead." He asked, holding out his arms.

"You don't have to do that for me."

"I want to." He smiled. "I mean I'm no Gordon Ramsay, but I am pretty good in the kitchen, if i do say so myself." He got up and decided what to make her to eat as she directed him where everything was as he didn't want her standing up when she felt so weak. Before he started making her dinner, he went to cancel the reservation for their table. (Y/n) felt so guilty. When he came back in the room, he could tell. "(Y/n) please don't feel guilty. It happens to us all."

"I'm really sorry." She said, trying to think of what she could do to make it up to him.

"(Y/n). It's fine."

Billie ended up making her spaghetti and it was one of the best goddamn things that she'd ever tasted in her entire life. They sat opposite each other and he took her hand. "Y'know." He started, "This has turned out to be one of the best nights. Thank you (Y/n)."

"No. Thank you. You're the one who made this amazing food and -"

"Thank you for saying yes to date." He said suddenly.

"So, this is a date?" She smiled.

"Yes. If that's alright." He replied, worriedly.

"That's fine. I just didn't want to call it a date because I didn't want you to think that I was too eager or something like that, y'know, if it wasn't actually a date." She said quickly. "I'm going to stop talking now." She laughed.

When they had finished their food, Billie and (Y/n) went and sat on the sofa together and watched television for a bit before, not actually paying attention to it and started talking. They talked about everything, including some really embarrassing child stories, Billie's particular favourites were the ones which involved Tré, which were pretty much all of (Y/N)'s childhood stories. "I'll be sure to use them against him sometime." (Y/n) had laughed so much that she'd forgotten that she was ill. It was almost as though, Billie had made her forget about everything and only focus on him, right now, in this moment.

"There's -um- something I wanted to ask you." He said, looking at (Y/n).

"Okay." She replied.

"I was going to wait till I dropped you off, here after our date." (Y/n) went to apologise again but Billie stopped her. "I wanted to know if you." He then stopped himself for a breathe. "If you wanted to be my girlfriend."

(Y/n) looked at him surprised. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs the word 'Yes!' but instead said. "Really?Me?" Billie nodded at her,biting his lip slightly and running his and through his hair. "I really like you. A lot and I can't stop thinking about you." He said.

"Yes." She smiled. He looked up, this time he was the one who looked surprised.

"What?" He asked, hopefully.

"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend." She smiled. Billie leaned in to kiss her. "Wait, what if you get ill too?" She asked, worriedly. She didn't want her first kiss with her new boyfriend to result in making him ill. "It'll be worth it." He smiled, kissing her. That one kiss turned into one long kiss before the two of them fell asleep in front of the television together.

(*A/n* - I hope you are all okay! I'm currently writing a load of chapters for this ready, so that can upload them because I start college in a few days. Love you all and remember my DM's are always open if you need to talk ❤)

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