Chapter 8

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Billie and (Y/n) woke up the next morning, lying together on the sofa. "Mornin'." He said, kissing the top of her head. "Morning." She replied, suddenly remembering what happened the night before. How Billie had asked her to be his girlfriend, how she'd replied "Yes" and how they fell asleep together. 

They got up from the sofa. "Do you want any breakfast?" (Y/n) asked him. 

"No. I think I'll probably get going, otherwise my Mom will assume the worst." He laughed. 

"Okay. I'll walk you out." (Y/n) smiled, walking with him towards the door. Billie opened it. "I'll call you later?" He asked, before kissing her goodbye and headed off home. (Y/n) closed the door behind him and her mother was once again stood behind her. "Have fun last night did we?" She asked, smiling. "I did actually."

"What did you two get up to then?"

"We had dinner, talked, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes then we kissed and fell asleep together." She smiled. 

"I'm so happy for you!" Her mother exclaimed before announcing that she had to go to work and headed out of the door. When she was gone (Y/n) let out a small squeal to herself and then jumped in the shower, getting out of last night's clothes. 

Meanwhile, Billie had just arrived home, with Ollie as well and Mike and Tré, his band mates, waiting for him. "Hey guys." He said, hugging Mike and Tré. 

"Dude! Are still wearing last night's clothes?" Mike asked as Ollie squealed in excitement. 

"Why? What was last night?" asked Tré. 

"Billie had a date!" Exclaimed Ollie. 

"Wow! Billie! You had sex on the first date! That's what I'm talking about!"

"Firstly, nothing like that happened. We had dinner. I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said 'Yes', then we just kissed and fell asleep on her sofa together." Tré raised his eyebrows, in disappointment. "Dude! What have I taught you? Forget about all that crap about not having sex on the first date and go ahead and fuck  with the girl!" Ollie stirred, looking a bit uncomfortable. 

"Tré! You're gross, for starters. Also, how could you tell me to fuck her on the first date, when you two were so close as kids? You're literally begging me to have sex with your little sister!" Billie said. 

"You fucked (Y/n)?" Tré exclaimed. 

"No! I didn't sleep with her but she's my girlfriend. Honestly Tré, you knew she was the girl I was going out with." Billie looked at Mike for assistance. 

"He did tell us Tré. He told us that he was going out on a date with her, right after he told us she knew you."

Ollie stood up. "Right. I'm confused! Can someone explain to me why Tré is over reacting about my future daughter in law!"

"Mother!" Billie said. "It's a bit early to call her that."

"Basically. Tré and (Y/n) grew up together. They were inseparable and like brother and sister.  Tré's convinced that Billie didn't tell us that he was going on a date with (Y/n), when he did." Said Mike. 

"Right." Ollie said, sitting back down again. 

"I'm going for a shower." Billie said, heading out of the room. 

"Wait!" Tré shouted behind him, making Billie turn around. "Is she still hot?"

"Frank Edwin Wright the Third!" Ollie said, making Tré sit down quickly, he knew he was in trouble as no-one ever called him that. "She's gorgeous." Billie replied for leaving the room and texting (Y/n); 'thank you for a great night last night' and jumping in the shower. 

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