Chapter 20

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(Y/n) woke up and turned over, reaching out for Billie but he wasn't there. She remembered the events of last night. She looked back at the empty bed. It hadn't been slept in at all. She sat up and took her phone from the bedside table. She looked at the date. It was their two year anniversary today but after the events of last night, she had to question whether she had a relationship at all anymore. 

Finally, after what felt like hours of debating whether she was able to face the world today, she climbed out of bed and headed downstairs, where she had hoped to find Billie. She wanted to talk to him, wanted to make everything right with him. He was the love of her life and she would've done anything to keep it that way. She stepped slowly down the stairs to find that Billie was not there in the living room where he had been when she had left him the night before after announcing that she was tired and therefore was going to bed. "Billie?" She asked, slightly concerned. "Are you here?" There was no answer. 

She looked by the door; his keys weren't there and upon looking out of the window, she saw that his car wasn't there either. She felt like she was going to pass out."What have I done?" She asked herself as she collapsed in a heap on the sofa. She felt, deep down in her heart that it was too late now. She had pushed Billie away and there was no way that he was ever going to come back. Not now. 

She hated herself more than ever before. That's when the door suddenly unlocked.  (Y/n) stood up and saw Billie stood there, still wearing last night's clothes. "Hey-" He began but (Y/n) refused to let him finish as she ran up to him, nearly pushing him over as she hugged him. "I'm so sorry." She sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm so so sorry. I love you so much! Please, don't leave me."

"No babe." He said, "I'm the one who's sorry." He kissed her. "I had no right to act the way I did." He said,holding her hand. "There's something I have to do" He said, suddenly. He kept hold of her hand, reached in his pocket and pulled out a box. He got down on one knee and opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring. "(Y/n). If this weekend had taught me anything, it's how much i truly love you. Sometimes, it scares me how much I actually love you. But if you let me, I will spend everyday, for the rest of my life, showing you how much you mean to me. So please, (Y/n). Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"Yes." She said, without hesitation. "Yes!" Billie smiled and placed the ring on her finger. "I love you." She kissed him and admired the beautiful ring on her finger. "Where did you ge-"

"It's my grandmother's." He said. "My Mom offered it me a few weeks ago and last night, after you went to bed, I'd thought I'd lost you for good and I rang her and asked her for the ring." He held her in his arms and kissed her.  "You've made me the happiest man alive." He said. "And, I promise you. I will never, ever, hurt you." He said; "You mean the world to me."

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