Chapter 34

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*A/n* - Containing a little smut at the end!


"Was it difficult for you get pregnant?" (Y/n) asked her mother as the two of them sat over dinner  in (Y/n)'s kitchen. (Y/M/n) thought about how to answer this for a few moments, and upon realising that this was a serious question, she answered. "Yes, it was. With both your brother, and you." (Y/n) looked down at her plate as her mother continued:

"Why are you asking me this (Y/n). Is everything okay?"

(Y/n) shook her head. "Me and Billie have been trying for a baby for ages, and we're not getting anywhere."  (Y/n) tried to fight the tears that were forming in her eyes. "I can't get pregnant. What if me not being able to get pregnant means the end of me and Billie?"

"(Y/n), me and you both know that, that is ridiculous." (Y/M/n) held (Y/n)'s hand. "Billie loves you more than anything, and I know that he'll stick with you no matter what."  

"I really want the two of us to have a baby." (Y/n) cried. 

"I know you do, darling. Look, the best thing that you can do is talk to Billie." (Y/M/n) said. "I know how much you really want this, both of you, but don't be disheartened if it doesn't work out; there are other ways for the two of you to have a baby." (Y/M/n) kissed the top of (Y/n)'s head. "The two of you will work something out." 


"(Y/n)?" Billie said as he walked through the front door. "Baby?" He asked again when he didn't get a reply. "Up here." She managed, and after a few seconds, she heard his footsteps coming up the stairs. It took him a moment to find her but when he did, she was still sat on the floor of the bathroom, surrounded by pregnancy tests. "Babe?" He asked, concerned and she looked up at him, her face was stained with tears and smudged mascara with fresh tears continue to form in her eyes. He sat down beside her on the floor and pulled her into a hug.

"What's going on?" He asked, running his hand through her hair.

"Why can't I get pregnant?" She sobbed as she held onto him. He didn't say anything for a few seconds before he finally managed to say; "I don't know baby." The two of them looked down at the pregnancy tests that lay on the floor. "I'm just so tired of all of these phantom pregnancies." She admitted, wiping her eyes. "I'm having all the symptoms of pregnancy but there's nothing there." She looked at Billie. "What if this can't happen for us?" She began crying again and he turned her face to look at him. He wiped away the tears and the smudged mascara. "Hey, it's okay." He told her. "When you think about it, we haven't been actively trying to get pregnant for that long. You said it yourself, some women take longer to get pregnant than others." He said calmly but (Y/n) knew how badly he wanted this too. "We'll keep trying." He told her. "It'll happen one day, I just wish we knew when." He hugged her. "I wish I could make this easier for you." He said. 

"You just being here makes it easier." She admitted before putting all of the tests in the bin and standing up next to Billie. "It's going to be okay, isn't it?" 

"Of course babe." He said, kissing her before they headed into the living room and sat together and watched Netflix. Billie ordered a takeaway to make (Y/n) feel better. (*A/n* - What a gem)

At the end of the night, Billie and (Y/n) began kissing and it started to grow more passionate. "Billie." (Y/n) as she felt heat rising between her legs. "I know." He replied as he grabbed hold of her and carried her to their bedroom. He placed her down on the bed and smiled as she lay beneath him. "I love you Mrs Armstrong." He said. 

"I love you too." She told him as she removed her T-shirt and trousers and he did the same and once again hovered over her. "Babe." She muttered as she clutched at his hair, smiling as he planted kisses on her neck, leaving small love bites here and there.   (Y/n) placed her hands on Billie's waist as he placed himself at her entrance. "Billie." She begged.

Slowly, he slipped himself inside of her and moaned. "Fuck." He began moving in and out of her. Their responses to the pleasure that they were feeling filled the room within seconds as Billie began thrusting in and out of her harder. 

Minutes later, he collapsed beside her on the bed and wrapped her in his arms. Within minutes, (Y/n) fell sound asleep in his arms, knowing that everything was going to be okay. 



Sorry this update has been a long time coming, but there will be an update every day on this book from now on x

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