Chapter 35

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**A few weeks later**


(Y/n) had been awake for hours staring at the ceiling. She didn't want to sit up or get up for the fear that she  were going to be sick. (Y/n) wasn't sure if she was ill or it was just her body telling her that it was hungry. (Y/n) looked over at Billie as he lay next to her. His chest moved up and down as he breathed. She smiled before deciding to head to the bathroom and have a shower, thinking that maybe she would feel better after she did. 

(Y/n) felt the hot water on her back as she stood in the shower, steam filling the room. Despite her being more awake than ever, she still felt sick. (Y/n) wrapped the towel around her body and looked at herself in the mirror; she was pale and she was shaking. Then before she knew it, she  was leaning over the toilet and being sick. "Fuck." (Y/n) said as she placed her back against the wall and flushing the toilet. She winced at how cold the wall was but she needed some support because the only thing that was keeping her warm was the towel that was wrapped around her. She thought about it for a second and questioned whether or not she could be pregnant. All of the signs were there; she was late, and she was nauseous. She reached up to her toiletry bag that lay on the side and pulled out two pregnancy tests that were in there. She was shaking even more now; what if she was? Her and Billie would finally get the family that they so desperately craved. Then again, what if she wasn't? It would make the fact that she might not be able to get pregnant more real. 

She decided to take one and to see what the answer was. She did what she needed to do and then waited two minutes like the instructions said. When the time was up, she turned the test over and looked at it. "Oh my god." She said, before grabbing the other and taking it, waiting two minutes and then turning it over. "I'm pregnant." She said to herself in disbelief. "I'm finally pregnant." (Y/n) placed the tests back in her bag but she wasn't sure when she was going to tell Billie the news.

In the bedroom, she heard Billie stirring in bed. You headed back into your bedroom and smiled at Billie. "Morning baby." He said as he pulled her under the covers with him. 

"Good morning." She smiled, kissing him. 

"Is everything okay baby?" Billie asked her as he moved his fingers up and down her arm. "You're very happy this morning."

"I'm amazing." She admitted, jumping out of bed and running back into the bathroom. Billie also jumped out of bed and stood in the doorway of the bathroom. "Babe?" What's going on?" He asked as he watched her rummaging through her toiletry bag. She handed him what she pulled out. He looked down at the tests that she had given him. "Wait, you're pregnant?" He said. When she nodded in reply, he pulled her into a hug. "Baby..." He said into her shoulder. 

"Babe, are you crying?" (Y/n) asked. 

"Yes." He admitted, kissing her. "I thought this could never happen for us." He told her, holding her in his arms. "I love you so much and I'm going to be here every step of the way." He moved down and placed his hands on her hips; his face meeting her stomach. "I love you too." (Y/n) told him as he rested his head on her stomach and continued to cry.

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