Chapter 17

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(Y/n) stirred in bed and then suddenly awoke. She shot up in bed and let her eyes adjust to the room around her. She glanced at her phone, which lit up the room and went to look at the time but paying more attention to the lock screen photo of her and Billie. She smiled to herself at she stared at the picture. Suddenly, the room went dark again as her phone shut off. She lay back down in hope that she didn't have the same nightmare again. She wouldn't mind but she'd had this nightmare before and every time is worse than the last.  

She turned over and felt about for Billie but he wasn't there. All that there was, was a cold space in the bed that they usually shared. It hadn't even been slept in yet. (Y/n) thought he may  be downstairs or may even still be at the studio where him, Mike and Tré were working really hard on their latest album. 

She decided that she was going to get out of bed and go and look to see if he'd got home yet. As she went to head downstairs, she heard a gentle strumming coming from the spare room, the had once been (Y/M/n)'s room before she moved out, back into (Y/n)'s childhood home after deciding that she was ready again. (Y/n) saw that the light was on and slowly pushed the door open to see Billie, sat on the edge of the bed, slowly strumming the guitar in his hand. He turned around and saw her stood in the doorway. "Hey." He smiled as she sat down next to him. "I didn't wake you up did I?" He asked, clearly concerned. 

"No. Not you. It's this stupid nightmare." (Y/n) admitted, rubbing her eyes. Billie placed the guitar on the floor. "Tell me about it." He said, cupping her hands in his. 

"I've had this dream before." She started. "And everytime, it's worse than the last." Sh stopped for a moment. "I'm in this dark room. It's so dark that I can't see anything but I know that my eyes are open. It's damp and dark and I keep hearing these screams of children. The suddenly, the lights come on and I see myself but as a child and I'm screaming, we both are and the screams of the children are getting louder and I can feel their pain. I can feel it and then someone grabs me and keeps my head held straight as I have to watch my younger self be brutally killed." She stopped and looked at Billie, who brought her into a warm embrace, stroking her hair, "It's going to be okay." He said.

There was a moment of silence before (Y/n) asked what Billie was doing on his guitar. "I'm so glad you asked." He smiled. "I wrote a song. For you."

"For me?" She asked. "Really?" Billie nodded. "Can I hear it?" Billie picked up his guitar without hesitation and began strumming. 

"Words get trapped in my mind Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do, 'cause the first day you came into my life, my time ticks around you." He looked up and (Y/n) would sat, clinging on to every word he sang. 

"All I want is you to understand, that when I take your hand, it's 'cause I want to. We are all born in a world of doubt, but there's no doubt, I figured out. I love you" 

(Y/n) remained captivated throughout the entire song, right up until the very last words; "Yet they'll never have, someone like you to guide them and help along the way. Or tell them when it's time to say, "I love you" So tell me when it's time to say "I love you." 

He placed the guitar down and gave a nervous smile. "So?" He asked. "What do you think?" 

"Oh. Billie." (Y/n) said, putting her hand on her heart. "That is honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." He kissed before putting his guitar back and holding out his hand. "Wanna go to bed?" He asked. (Y/n) nodded, taking his hand as he led her into the bedroom. The two of them fell asleep with melody of the song, he'd just played, dancing through their heads.

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