Chapter 18

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Billie was in the shower and (Y/n) had just woken up.  She sat on the end of the bed, unconsciously rocking back and forth. She was nervous but it was the type of nervous that she couldn't explain but it was the type that made her feel sick, made the legs ache with tension and made her mind run about in circles, imagining all of the bad things that could happen.

Her and Billie were going to Ollie's today where (Y/M/n) and (Y/B/n)  - (Your Brother's name) were also going to be and maybe, potentially, Mike and Tré were going to be there. Billie had met (Y/B/n) a few times and the two of them really seemed to get along with one another. However, Ollie had been dying to meet him and that's really why everyone was going around there today. 

But, once again, her mind had been distracted by this nervous energy that she seemed to be carrying. What was she going to do? She knew what was wrong but didn't know what to do about it.  She heard the shower shut off and jumped out of bed, making it behind her. Billie entered the room, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist and placed his arms around her. "Morning gorgeous." He said, kissing her head. She turned around. "Morning handsome." This time she kissed him, her hands on his bare chest. 

(Y/n) jumped into the shower quickly, trying to use the water to distract herself from the fact she could potentially have a serious problem. She got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around herself before getting dressed. She placed her hands on the sink and used it to  try and keep her up. She looked in the mirror at herself. "You can't be." She started. "There's no way that you could be," She was having trouble saying the next word. She took a deep breath. "Pregnant." She stopped and looked at herself once more before realising that if she was then she was going to have to deal with it but she knew that she had to talk to Billie before anything else. 

She got dressed and went downstairs to find him, leaning against the kitchen counter tops, a cup of coffee in his hand. "Are you okay?" He asked as she looked at him worriedly. 

"There's something that I need to tell you." She intoned, honestly and slowly. He looked worried, placing his cup of coffee onto the counter top and walking over to where she stood. Holding her in his arms, placing one hand on her cheek. She took a deep breathe. "The truth is." She stopped, feeling the need to take another breath. "I think that I may be pregnant." She kept her eyes on him the entire time, expecting him to freak out but to her surprise he didn't. In fact he remained extremely calm and smiled. "Okay." He ran his hand through her hair. 

"I'm going to get a test this morning and I'm going to take it when we get back." She stated, planning it all out in her head. "Do you want me to come with you when you got to get the test?" He asked. "No, I can get it and I'll meet you at your Mom's?" He nodded, pulling her closer to him and kissing her.  "Please don't worry babe." He said. "Whatever happens, I'm going to be right here with you." The two of them stayed this way for a while before they headed out to Ollie's house. 

(Y/n) was driving there, so she dropped Billie off at Ollie's first, kissing him goodbye and telling him that she wouldn't be long, before heading down the pharmacy where she picked up two pregnancy test, just so that she could be sure. She didn't make eye contact with anyone in there and once she had payed for them, she thanked the woman behind the till and placed them in her bag and practically running back to car and driving to Ollie's. She made sure that they were well hidden in her bag before getting out.

Billie had the door open for her, he must have heard her car pull up. "Did you get it?" He asked, excitedly. "I got two. Just to be sure." She said and Billie nodded in agreement.  "Are you nervous?" He asked, taking hold of her hand. 

"Terrified." She admitted quickly before her mother ran to hug her in delight. 

"Come and see your brother." She said excitedly as she ran back into the other room. Billie squeezed her hand and the two of them followed (Y/M/n) into the living room where (Y/n) was greeted by both Ollie and her brother (Y/B/n). The next few hours seemed to tick by incredibly slowly and neither Billie nor (Y/n) could admit what was on there mind so they sat there and endured the next few hours.  When they thought it was all over Mike and Tré turned up so they knew that they couldn't leave just yet. 

Finally, after what felt like days, everyone began to go home and it was time for Billie and (Y/n) to leave too. They both bayed their goodbyes and made their journey home. They didn't talk about it in the car. In fact, they didn't talk about anything. They were both about to face the unknown and they were both uncertain of the result but Billie knew that no matter what happened, he'd be there for (Y/n). 

"I'll be back in about two minutes." (Y/n) said, running up the stairs, not even bothering to take off her jacket. "I'll be waiting." Billie said after her. She ran to the en suite they had in their bedroom and did what she needed to do. She took out her phone and timed two minutes. "Have you taken them?" Billie asked from outside the door. 

"Yes." She replied, her voice shaky. 

"Anything?" He asked.

"Not yet." The two minutes seemed to last forever as (Y/n) paced up and down the bathroom. Finally, the timer went of. Billie heard it and began shaking with nervousness as did (Y/n). "Okay." (Y/n) said to herself as she reached out for the tests that sat in front of her. "Whatever happens, it's going to be fine." She reassured herself as she picked up the two tests that she had taken two minutes earlier. She looked at them and opened the door. As soon as she did, Billie stood up. "Well?" He asked. 

She looked at him, the feeling that she was about to cry but kept in it. She looked down at the tests that she held. "Negative." She said as he pulled her into a hug. (Y/n) couldn't deny that she was upset by the result and neither could Billie. The two of them had spent most of their day pondering on the idea that she could be pregnant and in that time, the both of them had warmed to the idea that they could be parents to a child. Their child. "It's okay." Billie said. "Yeah. I guess I am a little gutted but we have loads of time to think about the possibility of us having a child, if that's what we both want." (Y/n) didn't say anything but she just nodded into his chest. The only thought that was running through her mind at this moment in time was that she loved the idea of a little her or a little Billie running around. It made her crave a child more than anything but maybe it was  sign that they weren't ready for it yet. (Y/n) firmly believed that the two would have to face more obstacles together before they were ready for a child. However, there was a large part of her that hoped, her future family had Billie in it; as the father of her children. 

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