Chapter 38

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6 Months Later

"Can I open my eyes yet?" (Y/n) laughed and Billie guided her through the house. 

"Not yet baby." He said as he brought her into one of the rooms. Little did (Y/n) know that all of her and Billie's friends and family were in the room to surprise her. "Now?" She asked, as everything between her and Billie fell silent. "Now!" He smiled as (Y/n) opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by everyone. "Surprise!" They cheered as (Y/n) laughed and looked at Billie. "What's all this?" 

"It's our baby shower, kind of." He smiled. "I just wanted to do something to cheer you up, because I know that the pregnancy has been getting you down a bit. I know that you just want to have it already." 

"You did this? For me?"  (Y/n) asked and Billie nodded. "I love you so much." She told him as he kissed her. "I love you too." He said before they greeted everyone. 

"Hey guys!" Said Tre, smiling. "(Y/n), you're looking bi-"

"Lovely. You look lovely." Mike said, quickly, interrupting Tre. 

"I was going to say nice..." Tre muttered, like an annoyed child. 

"Thanks for coming guys." Billie said, "It means a lot." His arm was wrapped around (Y/n)'s waist, a hand on the side of her stomach. 

"Thanks for asking me to be godfather." Tre said. 

"They asked me too." Mike said. 

"Yeah, well, I'm going to be the favourite uncle." Tre stated. 

"We'll see about that." Mike replied, making (Y/n) and Billie laugh.

Billie had really gone to all lengths with this baby shower. He had a cake, decorations, everything. How had he managed to keep this all a secret? (Y/n) was talking to Ollie and (Y/M/n) when Billie asked for everyone's attention.  He held his hand out to her, she took it and stood beside him. "I just wanted to say, thank you all for coming today. I know that it was short notice." He stopped and looked around the room. "This whole thing is for my beautiful wife (Y/n) and to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our little one. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later." 

A few people around the room said 'here here' to Billie's last remark.

It's been a long and somewhat difficult road for us to get here, today, with a baby but it's happened and I'm so lucky that I get to do it with the greatest woman in the world, who I am lucky enough to call my wife and the mother of my child. To (Y/n) and Baby Armstrong."

Everyone in the room repeated the words "To (Y/n) and Baby Armstrong!" except for Tre who laughed and said: "He said 'do it'" followed by Mike telling him to "Grow up." as Billie kissed (Y/n) in front of everyone and reminded her how much he loved her and how excited he was. 


"I've had the best day." (Y/n) marvelled as Billie kissed and placed his hand on her stomach. (Y/n) was due any day now and as much as she loved being pregnant, she couldn't wait to meet her and Billie's baby; it was long overdue. (Y/n) headed to the bathroom as Billie clambered into bed. "Hey, guess what?" He said, making (Y/n) turn round in the door way and look at him, her hands placed on her stomach

"What?" She smiled. 

"I love you." He told her, making her heart flutter inside her chest. 

"I love you too." She replied, before closing the door behind her.. She stood in the mirror and removed her makeup from the day. She smiled as she remembered the effort that Billie had gone to, to get everyone around to their house today to celebrate the fact that they were having a baby. Billie truly was perfect. 

As (Y/n) stood there, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. "Ow." She winced, holding her stomach again. It was gone for a few moments, before it returned. "Ow!" She said, again, only louder and Billie heard her. "Babe? Is everything okay?" He asked but (Y/n) didn't reply because that's when she saw it, a pool of water on the bathroom floor. "(Y/n)?" Billie asked again as she edged closer to the door, still holding her stomach. She opened it to find Billie stood outside. "Billie." She said, taking his hand in one of her's, the other still on her stomach. "My water's just broken." 

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