Chapter 30

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(Y/B/n) - Your Brother's Name


(Y/n) was awoken by (Y/M/n) and Ollie. "Good Morning!" 

"Today's the day!" Ollie said, making  (Y/n) shoot up in bed. She looked at the time, and realised what was happening.  "I'm getting married today!"  She smiled, as she practically leapt out of bed. She ran herself a hot shower before jumping out and wrapping herself in a towel and then in a dressing gown. She headed downstairs and saw (Y/M/n) and Ollie waiting for her.

"Right. Well we have two and a half hours till the wedding." (Y/M/n) said. "What shall we start with." Ollie looked at her. "We should probably start with her hair, then makeup, then we should get the dress on." (Y/M/n) nodded at Ollie, before heading into the living room, (Y/n) and Ollie following her. Whilst (Y/n) had been in the shower, Ollie and (Y/M/n) had practically set up their own salon in her living room. A chair for (Y/n) to sit on whilst they did her hair and then a table full of makeup and brushes and accessories. 

(Y/M/n) sat (Y/n) down in the chair and began brushing her hair. "Did you sleep well?" She asked (Y/n). "It took me a while to get to sleep but when I did, I slept well."

"That'll be the nerves." Ollie smiled. "You have nothing to be nervous about." (Y/n) looked at Ollie and thought of Billie. "Have you heard from Billie?" She asked and Ollie replied instantly. "Yes, I have. He's a little nervous but he can't wait. He told me to tell you that he loves you." (Y/n) smiled, feeling a lot better. 

What felt like hours later; (Y/M/n) had finally finished with (Y/n)'s hair and Ollie was starting with the make -up. "I won't put a load on." She stated. "Because I know that you're not keen on it. I'll just do a little bit; not that you need it though." 

When they had finished, Ollie and (Y/M/n) placed a mirror in front of her, to see if it was okay. "It's perfect." (Y/n) said. (Y/M/n) opened the living room door. "Are we ready to get the dress on?" She asked. (Y/n) smiled and led the two of them upstairs to her bedroom, where her dress was hung up. (Y/n) held onto Ollie as she stepped into the dress and (Y/M/n) brought it up so that (Y/n) could put it on properly and then Ollie fastened it at the back. 

(Y/n) turned around and looked at (Y/M/n) and Ollie, who stood looking at her. "Wow." They said in unison. "I'm going to put my dress on before I cry." (Y/M/n) said, running out of the room, leaving (Y/n) with Ollie. "Does it look okay?" She asked. 

"(Y/n)..." She said, taking her hand. "You look amazing. Billie is going to be lost for words." When (Y/M/n) came back into the room, Ollie went into the next room to put on her dress. "You look beautiful." (Y/n) told (Y/M/n). (Y/M/n) smiled. "Not a patch on you sweetheart." She stated, taking the veil off of (Y/n). "Do you want me to put this on?" She asked, (Y/n) nodded in reply; she couldn't for the life of her figure out of to put it on properly. 

Finally, everyone was ready and they all headed downstairs, as carefully as possible and helped (Y/n) into the car. She was sat in between Ollie and (Y/M/n). On the road to the venue where the wedding was taking place, the nerves were rising. (Y/M/n) and Ollie, each grabbed a hand and held onto it. The car pulled up and (Y/n) was helped up. Tré and Mike were waiting outside. "Wow little sis." Tré said. "You look amazing." (Y/n) smiled. "Thanks bro." 

"(Y/B/n) is inside with Billie. Me and Tré wanted to make sure you got here in one piece." Mike said before he and Tré wished her good luck and headed inside, Ollie behind them. Slowly, (Y/n) and (Y/B/n) headed inside too. (Y/n) held onto (Y/M/n). "Thank you for being here with me." She said, looking at her mum. "I wouldn't be anywhere else." She kissed (Y/n) before they were told that they were ready for. 

(Y/n) took a deep breath and began walking in unison with (Y/M/n). Everyone in the room stood up when Billie did. He stood at the front and looked at her and a smile spread across his face before looking at Ollie who was sat at the front and said something. He gulped as (Y/n) walked towards him and he was feeling the urge to cry but he held it back as much as possible. When (Y/n) stood next to him, he said: "Wow. You look amazing." He said. 

When it got to the vows, Billie went first. "(Y/n). I don't really know what to say because there are no words to describe how I feel when I look you. You have changed my life. When I met you, I couldn't ever imagine that I'd fall for someone the way I fell for you. It took me by surprise and it scared to death but I'd gladly do it for the rest of my life because I get to spend it with you. I love you." He placed the ring on your finger. 

"Billie. When I met you, I was missing something in my life but as I stand here now, about to become your wife, I realise that I was missing you. I told myself  that I never getting married because I was convinced that I'd find the right person. A week later, I met you and it changed everything. You have changed the way that I look at life, you've made it better and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You're not just my best friend, you're my soul mate. I love you Billie Joe." (Y/n) placed the ring on his finger. 

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." (Y/n) and Billie kissed and everyone cheered before the two of them walked back down the aisle; this time as Mr and Mrs Armstrong.

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