8: Price to Pay

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"You would tell me everything?" Grey observed the tan boy across from her, his smirk faintly reminding her of being caught in a spider's web

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"You would tell me everything?" Grey observed the tan boy across from her, his smirk faintly reminding her of being caught in a spider's web. Once entangled, escape from such charm was impossible.

"I would consider it." She wasn't imagining that flirtatious glint in his eyes.

Pinned under his gaze, she practically squirmed in her seat. "Why?"

"There's always a price to pay for knowledge. As long as you're willing to pay it, why would I intervene?"

Ok, Grey thought, that wasn't creepy at all.

Namjoon pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Listen carefully. Anaphiel is a council of judgment. Heavenly warriors that are in charge of protecting the gates from evil attacks. Each of them have specific powers and they're symbolic of the seven virtues: justice, hope, courage, patience, humility, purity, and generosity."

There was no way she was going to remember all that, so she clung to heavenly warriors. 

"If they're a council, then how many members are there?"

Namjoon shrugged and pursed his full lips. "Didn't get that far into the research. On Google, it's a lot of the same old information and that's about it."

Half of her was disappointed, half of her clung to the concept of fighting angels.

"You're kidding. There has to be more than that," Grey said. Namjoon shook his head.

"What else could you be looking for?"

That was a loaded question. Seeing how intelligent he was, how easily he read others, something told her not to answer directly. After all, what made him so curious? 

"I don't know. Names, at least."

Namjoon snickered, some unspoken joke tickling his insides. Grey raised an eyebrow as he said, "You're out of luck. There's no way of contacting them."

He thought... She knew two of them. And she didn't need their numbers, their location was enough. Not only that, but the fact that they strolled around downtown Seoul's most popular business area was unsettling. Angels supposedly claimed the skies, not dark alleys or luxurious glass buildings. They weren't in the clouds, but right under her nose. If it weren't for the interview, their existence would have still been a secret.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she closed the book, "Thank you for being so helpful."

He leaned back in his seat, plucking one of the books from his stack and opening the front cover. "My pleasure. Any other questions?"

Stealing glances around the bookshelves at their sides and the tables behind, Grey realized Luca wasn't in sight. If the animal wouldn't help, she'd have to make her new friend pick up the slack. She propped her head in between her hands and this time tried to make her undivided attention pierce his defenses. If he could do it, so could she, right?

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