11: Anaphiel (pt. I)

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She planned to kill Amelia first, but seeing her best friend on the bed covered in blankets and cords showed Grey firsthand how shitty that joke was

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She planned to kill Amelia first, but seeing her best friend on the bed covered in blankets and cords showed Grey firsthand how shitty that joke was.

Black stitches laced through Amelia's shoulder and down half of her upper arm. Dried blood caked around the closed wound and resembled rust. Her eyes were peacefully closed and her chest rose and fell in harmony with the heart rate monitor that rested at her side. Luca curled around Amelia's feet and Jungkook had dozed off in an armchair, but came back to life when he heard the door close.

"It was a terrible animal attack as far as this hospital is concerned." he said.

"Animal attack? I don't know about you but I've never seen skeletons with skin and bone wings at the local zoo." 

He tongued the inside of his cheek, passing a glance at the door behind her like he was thinking about leaving. He must have noticed how upset she was, finally deciding to elaborate. "The doctors and nurses will tell you it's an animal attack. She will tell you it was an animal attack when she wakes up. I can be very convincing."

She supposed it was plausible if it helped Amelia forget and separated her from the danger by miles. How he persuaded everyone in the vicinity of the same incident? She didn't bother to ask, finding her best friend's semi-revived corpse more important.

Silence blanketed the hospital suite while the heart rate monitor did all the talking. Without Amelia to be her spokesperson or initiate conversation effortlessly, Grey fished for something to say in the meantime. A good conversation starter.

"Angels sleep?"

He rubbed his eyes, wary after he fully absorbed a glimpse of her wrecked state--the disheveled hair, the bags under her eyes. "Yeah," he said.


"We don't need it, but it gives us an energy boost after we stay up for too many days." He stared out the window to the other quarters of the hospital where the cancer treatment center and cafeteria met. Doctors and nurses shuffled around the entrance with food or file folders, no larger than ants from this distance. That gave her another idea.

"Do you eat?"

When he pulled his gaze away from the cafeteria, he focused on his hands in his lap--which looked extremely empty without the katana blade. "Occasionally. We can, but it doesn't fuel us the way it fuels you guys. Except recently, we became a bit more dependent on it."

"I can get you something from the cafeteria," she said and pointed towards the door.

He shook his head instantly. "No, it's fine."

She awkwardly rocked back and forth from her heels to her toes, staring at the tiny mole underneath Amelia's right ear to pass some time. After a while, she couldn't take the quiet any longer.

While brushing one of Amelia's stray hairs behind the girl's ear she said, "Thank you for helping last night."

"You don't have to thank me."

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