44: Pulled Every Which Way

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The crystal dining room smelled like orange juice

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The crystal dining room smelled like orange juice. 

Arthur circled the table filling in each glass. Two bowls of fresh fruit sprinkled with sugar colored the silver table. Flaky Danishes resembled jelly-filled sunflowers. Fluffy eggs and a platter of meat were being passed from hand to hand. Morning filtered through the wide windows, brightening every bit of melon and berry that offered color to the display.

Grey yawned, surprised she was the first one downstairs. She and Taehyung stayed up until about 3:00am doing nothing but talking and laughing and playing around. He taught her how to cartwheel and handstand on a dewy patch of grass. He even kissed her every time she fell. They tumbled and flipped until they stopped to lay in the early morning haze and stare at the moon.

A fabulous memory; curled up in his jacket and in his arms pretending like the rain didn't exist long after it passed. 

She covered her lips as Arthur gave her a brisk greeting. It felt like this smile of hers was supposed to be secret. Their evening and morning was supposed to stay between her and Taehyung. But as much as she enjoyed it, her smile couldn't reach her ears. Last night was a dream and that's all it was. She was selfish. Over-indulgent.


She had given in to her emotions. Animalistic urges. But the questions remained, as true and resounding as permanent ink. If she weren't going through these bodily changes, would she have summoned him? Would she have acted that way on a normal evening? Falling into him was so easy. But maybe because it was easy... it also felt off-kilter. 

The last thing she wanted to do was use him as an escape.

Arthur wiped his hands on a towel. "Ah. It seems like I've forgotten the pitcher of water." He turned on his heel and made for the side room where he'd been bustling in and out.

"I'll get it," Grey said, startling the older man. Arthur bowed politely and let her pass. Extra silverware rested on napkins along with extra plates and glasses. A pitcher of water glistened in the sunlight in the hallway alcove. Grey grabbed it and held it to her chest at the same time a figure entered the distant entrance.

Min Yoongi stared out the window as he walked. Upon hearing the ice clink against glass, his black eyes flicked in her direction. Her heart imploded, shyness blossoming through her chest as her cheeks heated. If he had seen the way she kissed Taehyung...

"Do you need help?" 

The glass was beginning to slip from her hands. She readjusted her grip. "No."

His eyes narrowed, but he made no move to help her. "Are you sure?"

"I'm fine," she said, turning and beating him back to the dining room. Others had already filled in seats, smiling at Grey as she placed the pitcher on the tabletop and assumed a seat next to Amelia. Yoongi sat at the opposite end, his grimace adding storm clouds to the bright setting.

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