4: KSJ

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Oh yes

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Oh yes. She'd definitely kill Amelia.

Grey stepped out of the car, frantically smoothing down the bottom of her black leather pencil skirt. It did more than hug the right places. It clung to them for dear life. For the first time in a while, her hips switched as she walked. 

Obviously, her distressed texts for something to wear sent out the wrong message. Amelia mistook a concise business professional request for femme fatale. If onlookers couldn't tell by the tight, charcoal shirt with leather sleeves, the skirt and devilish black stilettos that wrapped around her ankles and boosted her a few inches helped them guess.

Amelia: It's an interview in the evening? That's different....

Grey: Yep. Weird, huh?

Amelia: I say you dress different too

Why did she listen?

Grey checked the watch she wore only for special occasions--a white gold beauty. Thirty minutes remained. She'd already eaten, rehearsed her pageant-worthy answers, pep-talked herself to death. The only thing left to do was arrive. 

She switched her purse from one elbow to the other and huffed, trying to adjust to the unusually heavy weight. She'd piled in notebooks and pens the night before in case she had to write again, prove to the people in this skyscraper that she had a purpose here.

Her black sunglasses flicked over her long lashes, swallowing the last of the afternoon sunlight as she left the parking lot. Modestly dressed men and women gawked or stared as she passed, and while it would have made her self conscious on any other day, today was different.

If she wanted this job, she was going to play the part. Act like as much of a leading lady as she aspired to be. After all, the executive assistant position didn't consist of huddling in cubicles or around water coolers. Didn't even consist of joining in office gossip.

It was being the right hand of the CEO. 

SKJ Industries loomed above her head, towering and mysterious. She drank in her surroundings. Floor to ceiling glass windows glistened over the first floor, and where there wasn't glass, water flowed down rock walls into a small koi pond, preventing outsiders from looking in and scenting the outside with fresh mist. A black and silver awning stretched from the sidewalk to the door, KSJ's logo printed up top.

She tilted her head upwards. From this angle, the building curved in the middle like a happy face. Accents of silver infused between floors sent glares of light to the ground, and at the very top, the architectural style changed completely. Her brows furrowed as the walls shifted to something more like cement, the glass becoming rounded like the ceiling of a greenhouse.

"Welcome to Kim Seokjin Industries."

A man in a dark gray suit and navy blue tie extended a hand her way. If she weren't in a business plaza, she would mistake him for a celebrity of sorts. Young, yet polished. Chic and sexy. The part in his black hair left half of it covering his brow, and something about his jawline and obsidian eyes were mesmerizing. "Are you Miss Grey?"

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