54: Eons of Legend

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Amelia tossed a coin into the fountain that spewed cool water into an aged granite base before the Pantheon

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Amelia tossed a coin into the fountain that spewed cool water into an aged granite base before the Pantheon. It landed with a thick plunk and sunk all the way to the bottom. For a second, she wondered what would happen if she reached in and stole the rest of the money rotting on the ancient tiles. But, that also doubled as stealing dreams, so she refrained. 

The people of Rome were just as beautiful and lively as their city. It was easy to spot them against the tourists, as they glided over the ancient walkways with reverence and such an understanding of their legacy that they blended in with the historical grace. It was almost like seeing the difference between those discovering this treasure trove for the first time, and those that walked past them like they had always been there, a part of the lore and gold that others staring from the surface would never have a chance to see. Amelia liked people-watching here, because as they passed on bicycles or strolled hand-in-hand, they were always smiling.

The dewy, water-tinged air also carried a hint of sweet gelato that had been poking at Amelia's senses since they landed. It soothed her aching muscles, at least making her think about them less. Traveling the world was glamorous and all, but the time it took to get to these places? She believed she deserved an award for sitting still all that time.

Amelia stretched her tummy, lifting her arms high above her head. "Anyone want gelato?"

Grey ran her fingers over the fountain's rippling surface. "No. Thanks though."

"I'm fine." Vanity shook her dainty head, not really processing the question. 

Amelia excused herself, speed walking to the last gelato stand in sight that was still open at this time of night.

Grey glanced up at Vanity, who already stared at her. "We need to talk."

Vanity sighed. "About time you said something. I was waiting for you to open up." She brought her cardigan around her chest and sat next to Grey. "What is it?"

Grey dried her hand off on her jeans. "I need to wait for Amelia. She should know this too."

"Is it about... one of them?" Vanity crossed her arms. 

Grey's heart skipped a beat. She shook her head. "No. Thank goodness."

"How is that going by the way?" The Queen flipped a strand of dark, auburn hair over her shoulder. Her favorite pearl earrings dangled almost to her shoulder.

Grey shrugged. "I know what I want. But like I'm certain about him, I'm also certain that I feel for someone else. And yeah, that's selfish and greedy and blah blah--,"

Vanity's hand fell on her shoulder. "You're torn, hm?"

"I guess?" Grey's eyebrows knit together. "I think I just have to tie up a few loose strings before making a choice."

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