PART II - Save Me

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(A/N) Magnificent reader,

You didn't think I'd leave you hanging after that, did you? You should know by now I freaking love A/N's. Also, take as much time as you'd like to drool over the boys.

HUGE ROUND OF APPLAUSE to the artistic queens that contributed to Part I!

Thank you to all of you that have read thus far. Thank you to all of you that volunteered. Thank you, especially, to those of you that make my day with their comments and votes. Tear the Sky will be continuing with a second part to the saga.

Grey's world crumbles under feet. Just as she thought she'd figured it out, more questions arise than answers. However, in her attempts to search for truth Grey is confronted with decisions that can tear this parallel dimension apart at the seams. For once, the power is hers. There's a storm brewing between Heaven and Hell--and her survival is rooted in the eye of it. Will she return home or get caught in the whirlwind?

Can Vanity be trusted? Who is Nico? Has all of this been a lie?

Grey's adventure continues on 7/8 (July 8th).

With love,


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