24: Know No Honor

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Porcelain shattered over tile

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Porcelain shattered over tile.

Grey sighed and knelt down to collect the shards large enough to grab with her hands. The customer that had been watching from a table over blinked incredulously. Like breaking a cup was the absolute worst thing that could ever happen on this earth. His aged eyes judged her from his seat, and when she grew sick of the disdain leaking from his expression, she stopped cleaning up the mess and offered him a lifeless smile.

"Enjoying your meal?"

The older man grumbled and nodded, turning back to his newspaper.


Grey peered over her shoulder to find Julia sticking her head through the double doors that led to the kitchen.

"Kitchen. Now."

Looks like she'd have to sweep this up later. On her way to the serving area, she tossed the sharp pieces into a trash can and sauntered into the kitchen. Instantly, she was hit with the smell of dish soap and cooked eggs. Two chefs wiped down stainless steel countertops, pretending not to eavesdrop. Grey leaned her back onto a pantry.

"Take the cup out of my check."

Julia smiled sarcastically. "That's already been done, klutz."

"Then what do you want?"

Her coworker scoffed, her nub of a ponytail wagging as her neck moved while she spoke. "What's your deal? You aren't guaranteed to get your job back. I'd watch the way you speak to me as your supervisor."

Grey rolled her eyes. "You called me in here for a power trip?"

"I called you in here because you've been screwing up all day. You miscounted change this morning, zoned out while taking orders, spilled drinks--,"

"It was a single cup of water."

"Which further proves your incompetence if you can't get a glass of H2O to a customer." Julia raised both eyebrows, waiting for Grey's comeback. It never came. "Breaking a mug is the cherry on top. Four strikes in a matter of hours."

Grey shoved her hands into her pockets. "Look, I haven't been myself recently, okay?"

"Since when have you ever not been perfect?"

Now that had nothing to do with breaking a damn coffee cup. "Perfect? Seriously?"

Julia shrugged, scooting closer to the sink so that she could finish washing the chocolate mousse from a plate. Her gloves fit loosely, but they squeaked as she dragged a sponge in circles across the stain. In seconds, it was ready to dry.

Grey snatched the towel from its perch near the handles of the faucet. "Perfect?"

Julia clenched her jaw, staring at the ceiling like she was already using the reserves of her patience. At last, she confronted Grey.

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