CQ&A 2 - T, Y, JK, J

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Q: Ever considered modeling and turning the world upside down?

A: I think Jiminie does a great job of that already. I don't know if I'd make the world turn upside down. I don't even take that many pictures. But if someone asked me, I could try.

Q: If you change into "the Beast" and I hug you, would you kill me?

A: Hah, I love hugs. I wouldn't kill you. When I'm the Beast, I don't lose all of my mental control. I know who is on my side and who isn't. 

Q: What would you prefer to be permanently? In your wolf form, or your human form?

A: This one is tough. Both forms I like for different reasons. When I'm a beast there's more freedom in my body and I can do what I want. It's easier to hurt our enemies or track them. Howling is convenient too. Things just get messy fast and I can't talk. When I'm human, I get to wear clothes and eat what I want and fit into human places. I don't like feeling so small though. I think I'd prefer to be a beast all the time because it's when I feel my best. Plus, Yoongi doesn't talk as much crap.

Q: Do you consider yourself to be impulsive? Is it related to your instincts of being a "beast" of course, or that's just part of your rash nature?

A: I wouldn't call it impulsive. Can we say passionate instead? I act before I think very often and I give in to decisions suddenly because it is what I want so badly in that moment that nothing else matters. Now that I think about it, I definitely think it has to do with my power. When a wolf sets its mind on attacking, it doesn't really stop to think. I'm a lot like that. 

Q: Do you wish that things between you and Grey had turned out differently?

A: I think a lot of us wonder what we could have done differently to get the future we wanted. I know that in my mind, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I went to find her instead of letting her come to me. 

Q: Did you have to adjust to changing into a wolf?

A: Yeah. I transformed a lot originally in Heaven, but I wasn't necessarily a wolf. I grew a liking to steak and meat. I hated watching people walk around with loose shoe laces that were so chewable. I had to learn how to mark territory in a better way. 

Q: If you could have power over anyone for a day, who would it be?

A: Yoongi-hyung. I'd make him sit, stand, roll over, and bark for the entire day. 


Q: How would you describe your relationship with your piano?

A: It's one of my favorite instruments, but I also think it's the only instrument that will ever express the way I felt. The sound of it fills the air and gets rid of every other noise. It lets you create the song. But maybe you were looking for me to say something silly. If it were a girl, I'd date her. Is that what you want to hear? 

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