12: Anaphiel (pt. II)

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Namjoon propped one elbow on the table and tapped his cheek with a finger to a rhythm she couldn't place

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Namjoon propped one elbow on the table and tapped his cheek with a finger to a rhythm she couldn't place. "As our guest, would you like to make any opening remarks?"

Her throat seemed to swell shut, lips zipping together and breath shortening. The combination of their power physically unhinged her, but having to defend herself against it... The waterfalls on either side of the wall could not silence the anxiety blaring through each nerve in her body. Every word mattered, every carefully knit phrase. She didn't realize her hands were trembling until she gripped the armrests.

"I--," she began, then wavered. Luca's words sang through one ear and to the other.

You have a terrible habit of freezing when action needs to be taken.

Yoongi scratched the back of his neck, earring swaying as his head tilted. "Please do not waste my time."

She cut her eyes at him, using that as motivation to will motion into her face. "Excuse me if I am not used to these circumstances."

If he cared for the retort, he did not show it. Instead, he yawned.

She addressed the entirety of the group. "My name is Grey. I moved to Seoul eight years ago when I was thirteen. Not once have I ever seen an irkan, or knew of their existence. The same goes for my knowledge on any of you. My life changed in a matter of seconds due to an accident, and I need your help to stay alive until I can set things straight."

Collectively, they offered signs of muted acknowledgment and looked to Namjoon, who still focused on her.

He said, "So, you know who we are?"

She nodded. "You helped a lot."

Jin raised an eyebrow at the man on his right. "You two have met?"

Namjoon realized the other members were evaluating him. Subtly, he nodded, not backing down from any of their gazes. "I didn't think she would find us."

"I know Grey too." Jimin smiled in her direction, young man from the bar returning as though he had never left the barstool. The flirtatious glint in his eye brought heat to her cheeks. She couldn't stare at him for long, settling instead on Jungkook's profile. Through her peripheral, she did not miss Yoongi's curious cock of the head.

Jimin added, "How can I forget?"

Jin cleared his throat, causing the younger male to tear the connection between him and the girl. The businessman said, "How many of you know her?"

"I met all of you," she blurted, pressing her back against the chair as attention fell on her again. Her voice was small under the rumbling water. "At one time or another, each one of you separately. I just didn't know you were... connected."

"You encountered an irkan for the first time, how?" Yoongi crossed his arms, the fluffy sleeves of his white blouse folding. On his fingers were a few silver bands. Without his hat, she admired the short, dark and wavy strands of hair that fell over most of his forehead combined with the dangling earrings swinging in his ears. 

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