60: The Lake (pt. II)

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It took time for Grey's vision to adjust to the night

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It took time for Grey's vision to adjust to the night.

When it did, she discovered that the hole leading to the Severed Realms glowed emerald and lavender. The color of Hell was not red after all.

Her breathing was the only sound within the pavilion. It was too quiet up here. It was too quiet on the street. Without the rain, Seoul was lifeless. 

So was she.

Grey finally glanced down at her burned hands. Blood caked the dark marks left by the sword. She could barely see them, though, as tears welled in her eyes.

She never opened a gate.

She failed.

Her shoulders sagged, head dropping. So much death and sacrifice. And for nothing, because she was useless and alone.


Grey's head whipped over her shoulder. Luca slowly came forward, green eyes wide and sad. Grey could barely find it within herself to speak, especially when she tilted her tiny head.

They sat that way for a few seconds, just staring at one another, the truth sinking in without needing to be said aloud. Luca came to Grey's lap, black head rubbing against her thighs. Grey wanted to pet her, but didn't want to smear her blood. The cat whimpered anyway, nuzzling against the human.

Grey said, "I'm sorry."

Luca chirped, uttering an inhuman response. 

"I couldn't let him in," said Grey. "Opening a gate would have..." She shut her mouth. It didn't make a difference what the gate would have done. She didn't get that far. And she didn't know when, but soon, not even Luca would be sitting by her side. She bit her lip, failing to stifle her crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Luca's ears perked as she found something in the distance. She dashed past the Severed Realm's opening and pawed at a limp body. 

Grey whimpered when she recognized Jin's face. She said, "He's gone, Luca."

The cat pawed his arm anyway. Grey, growing frustrated, rose her voice. "He's dead!" She choked on a sob, hugging herself with her arms.

You are strong, he'd said, and I love you.

He finally said it.

Luca meowed in his ear, using both paws to claw at his shoulder. Grey opened her mouth to yell, but gasped.

Did his finger twitch?

She stood suddenly, watching Luca nuzzle his head with hers.

Jin's eyelids weakly fluttered open. Grey didn't realize she was running until she fell to her knees at his side, ignoring the sticky feel of his blood soaking through her pants. Her lip trembled, but she brought a shaking hand to his cheek, two of her fingers caressing his skin. His eyes slid towards hers, his voice lower than a whisper.

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