15: Forbidden Arrangement

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Grey closed her bedroom door, wanting nothing none other than to fall asleep

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Grey closed her bedroom door, wanting nothing none other than to fall asleep.

As she let her hair down and crossed her personal living room, a knock postponed her appointment with the bed. In a few strides, she was pulling it open, expecting it to be Taehyung or Hoseok after she snuck past them in the Great Hall. Instead, Jungkook waited with his hands in his pockets.

"I heard you had another attack today. Are you alright?"

She nodded, glad that it was him. He was out of his work clothes, a black tee shirt and gray sweatpants working as what had to be his lounging outfit. Even without the suit and tie, he was just as handsome. Boyish, and rendering her speechless.

"I'm fine. Yoongi got scratched though. If you see him, please apologize for me."

Jungkook leaned against her doorframe. "Apologize for what?"

"He got hurt helping me. I don't want to be so troublesome."

He rolled his eyes, a small smile blooming on his lips. "You shouldn't fuss over him. He's one of the best fighters in our group."

"Really?" Grey put her hands on her hips. It wasn't that hard to imagine Yoongi being the best. He was a walking ghost with daggers. How could you fight something you couldn't see? "That doesn't mean I shouldn't care."

"Why should you? You don't really know any of us yet. This isn't the first time we've been targeted either."

"I don't need to know you. If you risk your life for me, it's enough. I care."

He shrugged. "Suit yourself."

"Don't you care about anything? There has to be something."

"I care about you coming back. The whole assignment is to keep you in one piece."

Point duly noted. Jungkook grabbed her door handle. "Try to get some rest for work tomorrow. I'll check up on you again in the morning. Glad you're safe."

Her door shut gently. He cared about her coming back in one piece, huh? Hmph.

She trekked across her foyer and living room, opening the double doors to her bedroom. Grey switched on the lights, releasing a yawn as she acknowledged her enormous bed.

"Tired already?"

Grey jumped, glowering at the lone figure snuggled in the center of her sheets with his hands behind his head.

"Get dressed," Jimin commanded. "It's my turn to guard you and we're going out."

Grey caught a glimpse of the outside city. A black starless sky blanketed neighboring skyscrapers. The heads and taillights of cars zoomed by on the streets below. Everything she spotted affirmed her calculations. It was night. She had work tomorrow. The time to sleep was now.

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