23: Things I Should Never Tell

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If Grey had sunglasses, she would have offered them

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If Grey had sunglasses, she would have offered them.

Amelia had been squinting for the past twenty minutes as a waitress showed both her and Grey to a table on the patio. Sunlight washed over white cushions, smaller glass tables, potted plants and multicolored pillows--everything that caused regular customers to squint when highlighted. Parts of the restaurant were bright, sure, but as they took a seat under a trellis of dangling greenery that provided shade, the other girl couldn't stop blinking.

Grey let Luca jump into her lap and watched the kitten climb into the next seat over. "You know, if you want to sit inside we can."

"No," Amelia waved her away, "I need fresh air. I just haven't seen the sun in a few days."

It was more than a few days. Grey guiltily swallowed, eyes immediately drawn to the white sore along her best friend's upper arm. She had wanted Amelia to stay home and rest as soon as she returned to the apartment. Of course, rest was the last thing Amelia would take. She insisted that they visit their favorite sushi sit-down to catch up. On top of that, she switched out her hospital ensemble for a dandelion yellow tank top and blue jeans.

So, that wound stared at Grey as much as she stared at it. A streak of lightning, emblazoned on skin like a permanent storm. Upon catching her trail of vision, Amelia covered the jagged line self-consciously.

"Maybe I should have covered it up? Is it gross?"

Grey snapped out of the trance, shaking her head. "It's healed. You don't have to hide it."

Amelia peered at the sky through her lashes. "I know it's weird, but I don't feel ashamed. Do they let pets in here?" Amelia pointed at Luca, who licked one of her front paws. The cat paused, shooting an indifferent glance at her and then at the diners around them.

"She won't cause trouble but I'll move her." Grey grabbed Luca around the ribs, ignoring the way she wriggled and bared her canines. Her hissing didn't stop until she was sprawled out on the floor. Grey would most likely hear about this later. As two white paws scratched at her shoes angrily, she turned all of her focus to her best friend.

"So what do you remember?"

Amelia shrugged. "A lot of it is fuzzy. There isn't really a before and after, more of an event. I don't know what animal attacked me, but I'm just grateful that someone found me in time to call an ambulance. I didn't even know we had wild animals roaming the city like that."

We don't.

Amelia finished her sentence after a taste of her water. "The doctors told me that sometimes in severely traumatic events we can forget the important pieces and just remember strictly what happened. I don't know if they're right."

Jungkook. You did a number on her.

The waitress returned to the table with two waters. Grey sucked the straw into her mouth immediately, taking a large mouthful to delay an answer.

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