PART III - Free Me + Poll

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(A/N) Searching reader,

I need your help with a special assignment after these announcements. (in fact, I wouldn't mind if you skipped to the end)

WOOP! We finished Part II!

A COLOSSAL thanks to the Tear the Sky family! We reached notable milestones in Part II and we grew so much together. These months are so busy for all of us, but the fact that you still lend your support and love to Grey is extraordinary. Thank you for being so patient with me as I juggle school, athletics, and writing. Thank you for being so patient with this long story too, lol.

Tear the Sky will be continuing with a third, final part to the saga!

Heard that? 

This is the final part!

Grey has fallen back to the drawing board; or has she? She's stronger than before, quicker on her feet, attuned to the rules of the game she's playing in her city of angels. Her heart leads before her head, and perhaps that is her greatest strength--or her greatest weakness. In certain cracks of the world lie an artifact and a secret; At her back lie a King, a Queen, and a cadre of the Eternal Realm's finest warriors; At her side lies a fierce, loyal friend: And at her feet lies the most difficult quest she's ever embarked on.

Tensions will rise between realms. Battles will alter the course of history. Grey will confront the truths of her heart left unspoken.

Who will reach Gatekeeper first? Who will reach Grey first? 

When the moon bleeds, who will get lost in the tide?

Remember, all is fair in love and war.

Grey's adventure continues on 10/12 (October 12th)

**Also, watch out for a special, royal announcement posted here on 10/8 (October 8th)!

With love, 



Beautiful people, I need feedback NOW. After 40 chapters that let you evaluate chemistry and relationships, I must know...



I NEED you, reader, to inline comment by the ship that you're sailing. THIS ANSWER MATTERS AND HAS THE POWER TO DETERMINE THE ENDING. 

There must be at least 10 participants in this poll for Part III to begin. Multiple votes by one account will only count as one participant.

You have TWO votes. You don't have to use both of them. I only give you two because I think some of us are torn.

You can: 

- Use both for one ship if you insist on that Bangtan boy getting Grey (this will not guarantee that he wins, but it'll show me you're intent on getting them together)

- Spread them to your two favorite angels

- Vote only once if you know your preference

- If you've used both for two separate ships and a third pairing has your heart too, comment "third" under his name! (This voting style is only acceptable if you've voted on two separate ships prior to selecting a third!)


(EDIT 6/17/20 - hahaha, choose wisely. If you're commenting now then yes, you are late, but that doesn't mean you can't answer. If anything, just know I get the notification and your answer awaits ❤️ )

Grey x Jin

Grey x Yoongi

Grey x Hoseok

Grey x Namjoon

Grey x Jimin

Grey x Taehyung

Grey x Jungkook

NOTE: I'm giving you all a lot of power, so choose wisely. However, I reserve the right to take creative license and put her with who I think is best!

Thank you for your time. x

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