58: Temper the Moon

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Since Aelith retreated to her chasm, two new beasts prowled around her form

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Since Aelith retreated to her chasm, two new beasts prowled around her form. They appeared like dogs with their pointed ears and swaying tails, yet they were twice as tall as their Queen and hellfire seared the the depths of their irises. Their coats were not fur, but patches of onyx skin that barely covered the raw muscles of their legs and neck as well as their ribs--which also shimmered lavender. They had been made, Grey realized, most likely by Solis.

When Vanity opened her eyes, Grey tried not to bombard her with questions but questions were all she had. The Queen had sent an illusion of herself, Jin, and Luca to meet Aelith at the boundary. They must have all heard what Aelith had to say--all besides her who waited in this tower for a man that hadn't shown up yet. Pair Solis's absence with Jimin's impulsive mistake, and Grey was on the end of her wits.

"What happened?"

Vanity stayed silent for a moment as though she weighed their circumstances. She was serious yet determined, eyes searching the floor before she stared through the window. "Nothing."

Grey groaned. "You said you trusted me before. Don't lie to me now."

Vanity clenched her jaw. "She revealed that she has more soldiers, and that their target is you."

Is that it?

Aelith always talked about Grey, that bit wasn't spectacular. And based on the rigid posture and tension rippling from Vanity, it was hard to believe. Still, Grey trusted her guardian to be transparent. 

Vanity added, "Trust your instincts tonight. Your first choice is typically the right one."

"My instincts are telling me I should be down there with my friends," said Grey.

"The Council's goal is to keep you unscathed. If you go down there, you'll attract demons like a magnet."

"But Vanity, I can't sit back and watch an entire assault."

"You have to because you have more to protect," Vanity snapped. "All it takes is one demon to kill you. One. My realm, Anaphiel's realm, Luca's realm vanishes."

Grey, frustrated, clasped her hands together. "I can't let you make sacrifices for me."

"That's what war is, Grey." Vanity held out a slender arm, a double-edged short sword appearing in front of her. She snatched it, tossing it up in the air and catching it as though she was checking its weight. This was her weapon, the one she must have been saving the entire time. It was unlike any metal Grey had seen, as the blades mirrored jagged shards of opal rather than iron. "Sacrifices."

Jin said, "I'm going to join the others on ground level."

Grey bit the inside of her cheek, the reality of him leaving her side making this night far too real. She struggled to breathe evenly as she heard his footsteps approaching her back. His hands fell over the armor on her shoulders, his lips pressing onto her temple. She swallowed as a lump formed in her throat.

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