45: Cry For Me

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A luminous, all-encompassing shade of lavender draped over New York City's skyline

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A luminous, all-encompassing shade of lavender draped over New York City's skyline.

Grey turned on the lamp near the nightstand and curled up atop a pile of pillows. Finishing the last chocolate in Jungkook's gift, she wiped her hands on her black jeans and dragged the First King's journal onto her lap. It shuddered at her touch, the cover practically falling back as she opened it.

The others grouped in the living room if they were ready. Amelia probably blanched at their open display of weapons on any nearby surfaces. Grey giggled at the thought, remembering what it was first like to suit up for battle. Except, this evening, she was already dressed. She wanted to check the book one final time to see if there were any more riddles. Any clue at all that might prove useful when they got to the statue.

Besides, it wasn't very clear what they were searching for. It could be anything--Lady Liberty's actual freaking torch if Solis was that inventive with breaking down the sword.

The pages were thin against her fingertips and rimmed with gold. The writing from earlier had reappeared, the riddle scribbling to life along with a greeting to Nico and Vanity.

How odd, to hold a book and yet not feel an ounce of weight as a spirit physically wrote on it's insides.

Grey flicked through the empty pages, pressing her lips into a flat line when the blank sight repeated itself. Perhaps the magic only worked for Rowan's relatives. She flicked all the way to the back--and frowned when the pages beforehand whipped over her fingers like a gust of wind had blown through the bedroom. It brought her to a fresh page right after the first entry, and she silently watched what happened next.

Black cursive appeared on the pages, permanent and ethereal.

Hello Grey.

Grey swallowed her chocolate. What should she say?

"Uhh." She cursed herself for blurting that aloud. "Hi?"

How can I help you?

She scoffed. "There's a lot of things you could do--"

I feel it in your spirit. Your pure heart is burdened. I apologize for my people's plight. However, Heaven remains unguarded. Someone must sit on her throne.

Grey's mouth went dry. The First King of the Eternal Realm apologized to her.

"No, it's totally okay," she said, laughing uneasily. "It's what I'm here for. I, uhh, I just have a question about what we're looking for exactly?"

It took a while, but the words appeared.

Search for my crown. Allow your heavenly powers to guide you, and all the decisions you must make in the dawn of this new era.

She shifted on the pillows, letting her legs hang from the side of the bed. "You didn't give the others such straightforward answers."

Your pure heart is the key to the survival of the three realms.

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