20: A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Nico watched the sun rise, his morning thoughts blending into a rich palette of scarlet, gold, and lavender as he lost himself in the sky

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Nico watched the sun rise, his morning thoughts blending into a rich palette of scarlet, gold, and lavender as he lost himself in the sky. So badly did he wish to touch it, and yet the best he could get--might ever get again--was only a glance. He was a stranger to the ocean of infinity that forged him, created him from cloud and sun and light. Living without that fire, without that oblivion, he was nothing.

And perhaps that is exactly what he was. Nothing but a shell of dreams and rigid moral code damned to sit on this rock and stare at what he unrequitedly loved. A prisoner to the human construct of time that ceased for none.

However, he still had a light and a responsibility.

Nico stopped listening to the call of the wind and turned to observe the sleeping girl behind him. Her hair covered her face and she was so snuggled into her blankets and pillows that, beside himself, he grinned. How is it that even as she slept she radiated innocence? Hope?

He brushed a finger down Grey's cheek, his heart oddly weighted. She was the answer, and that alone naturally attached him to her. Nevertheless, he had surprisingly grown fond of this one. So much, that when he considered the small time they had left together, it disappointed him to imagine ways of telling her he would need to leave.

But time was of the essence and still present even if scarce. He would enjoy every moment of every day with the men he called his family, and the girl he called his friend.


Grey woke earlier than normal, most likely some time after the sun rose. There was one last special errand she needed to run before work, and she was so grateful she'd gotten it done as she peered at the white box that sat on the living room couch. It was tied with a silver bow and the last thing it needed before it could be perfect was something from the heart.

Truth be told, the encounter between her and Yoongi ate at her more often than she let on. She was wrong for barging into his moments alone, assuming that she could steal one of them and claim it as her own or as their thing together. She had no right to his past and to his pain. Keeping those sentiments in mind, she grabbed her pen and scribbled a note onto a sheet of notebook paper.

Yoongi, I sincerely apologize. If you would meet me in the courtyard at 11:30pm, I would be honored. There is something I would like to share with you.

Her hands shook as she slid the note under the bow. There was no guarantee he would listen to her, let alone accept the gift at all. Still, she had to try. She wanted to be there for him, but more than anything let him know he was not alone. The present was light as she picked it up and tiptoed past the kitchen towards the suites where the men stayed. She retraced her steps from that night, imagining the music leading her in the same direction. At last, when she found his door, she placed the package in front of it.

Black fur brushed against Grey's legs, winding between them as the girl stood. She smiled down at Luca. "Good morning."

The cat meowed then yawned. She trotted as she trailed Grey through the hallways. "You are up early."

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