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Sparkling Jinnie here!

I miss you all already

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I miss you all already. I've recovered a bit from author feels. It feels great to update in here again. And it'll feel even better to update you on the progress of the Bonus Features poll and give you some fresh news!

First things first, I decided to take a week off from anything TTS related, hence my absence. I just needed to clear my head. Adjust to life without a weekly update. It was harder than I thought. I'd wake up with the urge to write a story that I finished, and then I'd be like what do I do now?

I found an answer. We'll get to that later.

I ought to confess something. I had every intention of writing Tear the Sky and then leaving Wattpad. I only wanted to write one story and see where it went. But along the way, I got attached. To my characters, to my story, to people. Members of the Wattpad community that reached out to me and... damnit, you guys make me want to stay.

You, reader, make me want to stay and write again.

Thank you for that.

Now, enough with the sappy stuff and I'll get onto what you all came for, lol.


Let's discuss these bonus features.

The answers you gave were all nice and spread out, but surprisingly DELETED SCENES was the biggest hit! Based on this, here's what I'm thinking.

I'll make a TTS one-shot book that contains most if not all of the unanswered questions. However, before I commit (because this is a grand commitment), I need need need to know if this is still want you want! If so, please comment so I can mark your vote!

Also, I did not make a bunch of character aesthetics for nothing, so I will be uploading those too.



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I can't wait to revisit this with you if you'll join me. ❤️

BTS: Tear the SkyWhere stories live. Discover now