30: Do Not Go Gentle

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The searing sting on his cheek had long since faded, but Nico pressed a hand to the wound to feel the jolt of pain another time

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The searing sting on his cheek had long since faded, but Nico pressed a hand to the wound to feel the jolt of pain another time.

She scratched him.

Not once had Vanity ever raised a weapon against him like this. But when she struck, she planted her attack with intent and malice; enough to remove skin from where she touched in an effort to make him hurt. To wound him.

Wherever his sister was in that coldhearted facade, she had fallen so deep down into a sunken place that he wasn't sure if he could get her out.

But that was his sister. One third of his heart. For her, he would try, and try, and try again.

Early morning wind blew through Nico's hair as he came to the skyscraper's rooftop and got to work on one of the greenhouse's industrial windows. The lock to the door gave way with a rusty creak, and before he could slip through the crack, the last of his power collapsed in on itself. The world around him grew in size, its smells and sounds blaring at his fragile senses. A slight wave of nausea rocked him back and forth, and at last, he crawled on all four paws through the opening, into the garden.

Her tiny legs ached from the strain of leaping over sagging branches and prowling through tall brush. She needed a nap, but what spurred her onward was the last thing she heard in that abandoned lounge.

I can when I hold all the keys. 

Luca pushed herself into a jog. Seokjin would be making his rounds at this time of sunrise, and if she wasn't too late she might still be able to find him somewhere near the clock. With an admirable roar, she bound through the last entanglement of garden and skidded to a stop.

Jin was in his pajamas, staring at the sky with Grey on his arm. She'd been resting her head on his shoulder until she noticed Luca. Lightly coughing and straightening herself up, she bent down to be closer to the cat's eye level.

"Luca? Is that a scratch on your cheek?"

Luca meowed instead of speaking. Frustrated with herself, she turned in circles as she tried to work out the proper words. Confronting Vanity stole more power than she anticipated. It had taken parts of her voice. She willed it back as best as she could.

"The book," Luca croaked. "I know who has the book."


Grey rubbed her eyes, regretting not going back to sleep when she woke up so early this morning. Plenty of different thoughts stole her concentration before dawn, and none of them were willing to give sleep the rest of her time. Like the fact that Yoongi had a pet name for Variel, and in one night she mindlessly danced around her own grave by irritating two demons that were minding their business. Plus, the Koya chopsticks, the man in the hood sitting next to her and Yoongi at the bar that probably overheard everything, Yoongi's proposed fighting lessons.

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