29: Beginning of the End

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The book that Grey had been balancing on her head tumbled to the ground as the doors to the library were nearly thrown off their hinges. Grey scurried from her seat, her back pushed against the table while Luca hissed.

Taehyung strolled forward, a half-eaten apple in his left hand and a steaming, porcelain mug in his right.

"What's wrong?" His long-sleeve white blouse was unbuttoned casually to his chest and his hair was tousled more than usual. Rain and rosemary flushed into the room alongside him as he took a swig of whatever was in the cup.

Luca's tiny claws tapped against the stack of books she'd been browsing as she stomped her paws. "What is wrong? That is how you enter a room?"

He shrugged. "I thought a surprise entrance would be best."

Grey put a hand over her heart, staring incredulously from the cat to the other immortal. "Do you always do that?"

"No, but Yoongi and I," Tae opened his shoulders to reveal an empty corridor. Frowning, he reassured himself and Grey both. "He was just right there."

They gazed into the hallway's abyss for a few more seconds, expecting a firework of black smoke to manifest between the threshold and the opposite wall. When it did not, Grey stooped to pick up the fallen book and toss it back onto the table. He wasn't coming. Biting back her disappointment, she faced Taehyung who was busy retracing his steps with the other angel on his fingers.

"I don't know where he went. We were just in the living room, and then--,"

Luca's command almost sounded kingly. "Focus, Taehyung."

The young angel immediately glanced at Grey. "Can I talk to you?"

By the time she would leave this dimension, that phrase would be etched into her brain.

"Sure, of course." She watched him approach and set the apple down beside a stack of encyclopedias. Then, he used that free hand to grab hers and lead her down an aisle of shelves. He stopped at one crevice that seemed distant enough, gently tugging her into the space. Up close, where the shadows of the shelves covered them, he smelled of outside and a hint of cinnamon. The cup easily fit on the empty shelf space from one of the wooden planks upholding a row of novels.

Grey mumbled, "Are you sure you want to talk here? Luca might hear us."

Taehyung stared at a row of books above Grey's head. "Let her. It doesn't make a difference. I won't keep you long, but I just need to tell you this." He breathed for a second, fingers tapping against his legs. When he seemed ready enough, he said, "If you should hate anyone in this place, it should be me."

"I don't hate anyone," Grey corrected, "but what's the matter?"

"I was the one that told the others not to say anything to you about the curse."

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