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Amelia tossed and turned, finding the twinkling lights of the city across the river far more appealing than closing her eyes. Sleep did not come as easily to her as it did to Grey and Vanity. Both women laid sprawled beneath their respective covers; However, Grey slept like a messy teenage girl while Vanity slept like she was in a coffin. 

Groaning, she sat up and peeled off the sheets. Tiptoeing to their door, she crept into the hallway, her feet padding over the rug until she arrived at the living room. The fireplace burned lazily in the hearth at her ankles. The pillows on the couch were strewn messily about the floor.

Everyone else must have been asleep.

A door creaked far to the right. No footsteps followed. Frowning, Amelia stayed right where she was. She was not the kind of girl to go investigate strange noises. She was not the girl getting killed first in a horror movie. In fact, she scanned the living room for anything sharp.

A soft meow called from down the corridor.

Amelia exhaled in relief. It was only Luca, and Luca was a green light to go ahead and check out whatever was going on. Following the sound's source, the girl came to an open closet. Winter coats, fur coats, silk coats draped from brass hangers. Their hems touched the floor. She pushed a coat aside and gasped.

Not only did another meow ring through her ears, but the entire back wall formed a cave.

If common sense applied to this situation, it meant that Luca was inside this murky, dark tunnel. It also meant that if Amelia were going to retrieve her, she would have to leave the security of a warm, (honestly super extra) townhouse to get her back.

She weighed the consequences.

Jungkook had water and food. He had Grey and the others. A sleepless city raged at her back. If she wanted to do something so stupid, she could just walk outside.

The dark tunnel, on the other hand, had darkness, shadows, and complete oblivion. It was a death trap that reeked of dirt and... she sniffed... pumpkin spice lattes?

She cupped her hands around her mouth and tried to lower her voice. "Luca!"

No response. "Luca!" An autumn breeze blew through her unkempt hair.

Forget the cat, I'm not getting killed.

She let the coats fall like curtains before the grand chasm that tore through Jungkook's house.

Luca yowled. Amelia dove through the jackets and into Hell.

Her bare feet slapped against brittle rock, but she ignored the pain. The cat--Grey's cat--was in trouble, and anything that was Grey's was hers. She ran with her arms steady ahead, so that if she ran into anything, she could at least attack it before it attacked her. However, a beast did not await the end of the tunnel. The rock walls did. The further she went, the lower she crouched. The sharp edges jutted into her sides, her legs. The place was shrinking fast and soon enough she fell to her knees, crawling ahead at the hope she'd latch her hands around a slippery kitten.

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