22: Repentance

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The woman with amber eyes knelt in a field of ivory flowers

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The woman with amber eyes knelt in a field of ivory flowers. Her long hair swayed in a breeze scented with the beginning tides of Spring. The sun was a pale dot in a paler sky and it did not warm Grey's skin.

Grey's bare feet squished into soil, cool mud seeping between her toes. Petals, stems, and leaves tickled her ankles as she finished wandering the endless plain and approached the back of the ghost that now resided in her dreams.

"You're troubled," she said.

Grey smiled coldly. "You can leave now. I'm done with the supernatural. I'm done with immortals. I'm done with the magic."

"Are you?" The ghost raised an eyebrow as she gracefully peered over a shoulder.

"You've been here every time I've fallen asleep. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Until you mean it." 

"I do mean it! They humiliated me," Grey crossed her arms. "I don't think there was any other way to make me look more idiotic than that."

The ghost frowned. "You cannot trust every word that woman says."

"But I can trust you and you haven't even given me a name? I don't see the difference between you and them."

"Grey," the woman stood, disappointment clear in her ethereal expression, "You're speaking from anger. This is not who you are."

Grey's fists balled at her sides. "I have a right to everything I'm feeling. Don't tell me what to feel."

"Harden your heart and you'll never be free."

Grey charged towards the spirit, her impatience nearly boiling over. "Who are you? Why are you still in my damn head?"

"Do not let such negativity plant it's seed in your soul--,"

"You. Are. In. My. Head. Why?"

The ghost blinked indifferently, staring at Grey like she was a brick wall that her warnings were wasted on. She took a deep breath, the greenery in the fields seeming to inhale and exhale with her.

"I am attached to you."

Good grief, Grey thought. She laughed at herself. Laughed at the idea that everything would absolutely stop after she left that ballroom. The human girl pinched the bridge of her nose.

The woman continued. "My body has been taken. I found shelter here."

"Excuse me. Your body was taken and you moved into mine for the free real estate?"

"There is a lot to explain and not enough time before you wake up."

Grey scoffed. "I'm sure I've got every sleepless night to hear about it."

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