13: Taehyung

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Hollywood, California, USA

Rowan gently kicked at the unconscious body near his feet. Not a breath or moan escaped her blanched frame. After a few seconds of staring, he decided she most likely wasn't going to move again. And that was unfortunate, because he hadn't planned on killing her so easily.

He'd only cut her once underneath the collarbone. Sure, the wound was pretty deep, but he'd seen other humans find the strength to crawl on all fours away from him. At least drag their bodies a few inches towards an escape. She didn't fight back. Barely even landed a hit on him.

Then again, he was slightly disappointed and not. Humans were so fragile, and after that uneventful scuffle she didn't even have a pure heart. At least she was pretty.

Smacking lips sounded from behind Rowan. He turned to find Vanity gaping at the dead girl. "Oh my god, is that Tae Yi-Jin?"

Rowan shrugged. "It was."

"Asshole. You should have at least let me get an autograph first." She rolled her eyes, leaning on the red velvet wall of the Chinese Theater. When she hiked her leg up to put her heeled feet on the wallpaper, he blinked at the amount of thigh that greeted him.

"This isn't an underground club, Vanity."

She gave him the middle finger, playfully running a manicured hand over her bare skin. "It isn't church either."

"And you wonder why you're still single." Rowan fished a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his suit and wiped his hands. The blood was having a hard time coming off. "What do you want from me?"

"Remind me to kill you, please." She lifted off the wall and let her full lips pout. "I'm tired of traveling, Rowan. We never stay in one place and you haven't come any closer to finding the right person. We're wasting time acting like tourists."

Tourists didn't murder up and coming celebrities with a more-than-impressive security entourage, but he let the jab slide. "The type of human I need is extremely rare. It's like searching for a lamb in a herd of sheep. This planet is surprisingly large for such an old, dusty rock and I won't miss a country because you want to pretend to be a normal girl in Seoul."

Her upturned, feline eyes narrowed, one long, golden leg stomping out in refutation. "This isn't about me. Every time you guess wrong on who has a pure heart, the other side has more time to act."

"They wouldn't act even if they wanted to. I trained them better than that. The end is coming and it's a matter of time before they bow and surrender." He waved her concerns off with a flippant hand, detecting clicking shutters of flashing cameras and excited chatter filtering into the theater downstairs. The movie was going to begin soon, and the audience would wonder about their leading sweetheart most likely in the next few minutes. He tucked the handkerchief back into its place until it was no longer visible. "Spare me the rest of the lecture , Van. Whenever you give me this speech its because you miss one of your lovers."

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