10: Deal With a Demon Prince

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Jungkook sat in the hospital lobby, cracking his knuckles

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Jungkook sat in the hospital lobby, cracking his knuckles. It was the best he could do to not think about death. Everything here smelled metallic, sterile, sanitized. Like the desks and objects that doctors, patients, or nurses touched had to be bathed in antibacterial hand soap.

He had nearly kicked the door down bringing in Grey's friend. Her skin was a sickly gray, the blood loss more than severe. If she'd been delivered any later, her last breaths would have been in that car.

Whatever irkan got her, it got her good.

The black cat sat in the chair next to him, tail flicking back and forth whenever a person in scrubs shoved through the emergency room doors. It's ears remained attentive, taking in every last detail of the waiting area. Jungkook--who responded better to dogs--awkwardly set a hand on its head, satisfied when its fur resembled a soft blanket.

He drew a thumb over the back of her neck. "I know we've never met, but you feel very familiar."

The kitten purred although it wasn't from the way he was touching her. It was probably for keeping her company, or for deciding to take Grey's friend to the hospital against his own intuition.

When Grey stalked towards the elevator in that parking lot, Jungkook could have sworn up and down that the thing spoke. He wasn't able to catch the words as he figured out how to situate Amelia's weight, but a voice other than Grey's barged into the rushed conversation. Moreover, the presence of the kitten was too comfortable at his side. All it was doing was sitting on its hind legs staring past the receptionist desk, but Jungkook couldn't deny it.

He felt like he'd sat next to it before.

A doctor in magenta scrubs with a clipboard in hand and stethoscope around her neck sighed heavily and headed towards him. He stood eagerly, the kitten rising to all fours and mewing atop the plastic chair.

Jungkook asked, "Is she going to be alright?"

The woman nodded gravely. "We found a donor just in time. Her heart would have failed had we waited any longer." She stepped closer to him, lowering her voice so that the elderly in the next seats over couldn't eavesdrop. "The marks in her shoulder are incredibly deep. We have some questions for you pertaining as to how she got injured? We don't want to get the authorities involved, but these wounds are serious."

He beheld her attention, focusing solely on her pupils. She visibly relaxed, the magic tie lacing them together tugging against his conscience. "We will not get the authorities involved. It was a tragic animal attack."

Her heavy head sagged as she nodded. Jungkook evaded the attention of the old people that stared them down. He had never been good at compulsion, but with those beady eyes pressed on him it didn't help him focus.

"Take me to go see her," he said softly. The nurse turned and strode away, the young man tailing her and keeping his head down as the other doctors passed him by. When he and the kitten were past the emergency room doors, his phone vibrated in his pocket. With a swift flick of the wrist, he pressed it to his ear.

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