25: What Grows in the Dark

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Grey stared at a white hospital ceiling with two things on her mind

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Grey stared at a white hospital ceiling with two things on her mind. First, she had never gotten to eat dinner. Second, she was back at square one.

A soft knock tapped through the hospital suite. Grey's hands gripped the edge of the bed until her knuckles whitened. Her breathing quickened, the floodgates to adrenaline threatening to burst. A nurse opened the door slightly and peeked her head through the entrance.

Pupils. Dark brown irises. Whites around those. Normal.

"You look like you've seen a ghost!" The nurse giggled, throwing the door open to reveal a hallway teeming with rushing doctors and medical equipment. She gestured for Grey to follow as she left the doorframe.

If the girl could have clenched her teeth to endure through the pain, she would have. However, her cheek was sore from where she had been decked and so were all the teeth in that side of her jaw. She chose to grunt softly instead while she stood and marched, thankful her legs were still in one piece and unscathed. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to speak, it hurt to eat.

"Everything looks well on our physical testing besides the bruising and scratches. No internal bleeding and no injuries that were too severe, though they will feel like the opposite. Rest, please. No strenuous physical activities for the next week. If you come back during these times," she handed Grey a small slip of paper the size of a business card, "we will conduct concussion testing."

"I will also suggest," the nurse turned to Grey and paced backwards, "that you do your best to stay out of street fights. I understand you were just trying to split one up, but escalated situations involving violence always hurt the innocent people."

Ah. A street fight.

"I couldn't help myself," Grey said. "Who defends the nice people from the bad ones?"

The nurse frowned. "The authorities handle it for a reason. Who knows? Next time they will arrest you for being involved."

Grey rolled her eyes.

The nurse pushed through the exit doors from the hospital corridors to the waiting area. As several heads turned in her direction, her gaze averted to the floor. She was still in her leggings, except her house slippers were on her feet and a black sweatshirt sat snug over her tee shirt. It smelled slightly of wildfire smoke and detergent, and it wasn't hers.

Amelia stood from a chair near the back corner of the lobby and jogged over in wedges. Grey caught a whiff of expensive perfume and makeup as her best friend halted abruptly in front of her. Her dark brown eyes were laced with worry, pretty face trampled with concern.

"Are you okay? Can I hug you?"

"No." She flinched because she widened her lips into too large of an O.

Amelia sucked in a sharp breath like she felt the pain, planting a kiss on Grey's forehead. "That'll have to do. The car is parked pretty close. Can you walk?"

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