Tear the Sky Continues...

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Hello there, beautiful reader.

After dragging myself through Writing Hell and back, I have an announcement!

After dragging myself through Writing Hell and back, I have an announcement!

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First, I've missed you. I hope you are doing well.

Second, It's safe to assume you've read the title of this chapter and you're wondering if it's true. Well, it is.

Tear the Sky will have a proper sequel.

CAN I GET A WOOP WOOP!? (or a nice, healthy 'AAAAAAAAHHHH' like RM)

CAN I GET A WOOP WOOP!? (or a nice, healthy 'AAAAAAAAHHHH' like RM)

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Join me, M, in this entirely new original adventure!

After the Blood Moon, Anaphiel returned to the skies. With splendid and effervescent white wings, each angel regained his glory, and more importantly, his righteous strength. However, their ascent left Earth one costly mistake—a forgotten Amulet of Erilim. The only amulet of all three realms with the power to open yet another gate.

Nora is a senior in high school more excited about leaving town than she is caring for her grandmother's creepy temple, where most of her friends are crows and apparently her only choice of a future career is taking the old lady's place as Head Maiden. On weekends she sells good luck charms and practices her "Seeing" ability to no avail. On weekdays, she keeps to herself and holds her school's History Appreciation club afloat. But when she stumbles upon a jagged gemstone in the concrete, not only does she become bait for every demon flocking to Seoul looking to stake a claim towards the Eternal Realm, she also becomes the only one that can put the pieces back together.

With the help of an angelic council, it should be easy, right? Especially when one of its sinfully handsome members in particular gets assigned to her side.

However, come Hell or high water, the Severed Realm never backs down. With good is always evil. And what happens when that evil isn't as wicked as she first thought? But rather, just as beautiful in its own misunderstood, twisted, and passionate way. What happens when that evil has truths of his own? Truths strong enough to shake the foundation underneath Heaven's everlasting "innocence."

Are the angels blameless? Must we be afraid of everything that goes bump in the night?

What happens when our eyes adjust to the night sky rather than the sun above?

A forbidden artifact, a sacrifice, a choice that can establish a new era or cast angels over the edge.

What color are her wings?

Find out in...


Official Release: 4/13 (April 13th)

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Official Release: 4/13 (April 13th)

Friendly PSA: silvertaehyung made this cover too, because she is a visionary, and if it weren't for her, we'd have TTS and BoD with stick figures :)


Okay so a few notes, bc I never wanna stop talking to y'all.

I. Catch the return of your faves (Luca, all of Bangtan, and Amelia!) in this book. They have missed you as a reader just as much as I have.

II. Your questions will be answered! Especially the one we allllll wanna know: Is Greykook a thing? Is Greyjin a thing? The fan signing? Blah blah blah? HAHA, you'll see sis.

III. I might sprinkle the deleted and bonus scenes in there. They'll be marked beforehand so you know what you're reading. Again, no promises. I'm saying this cause I might get too excited.

IV. Remember the cryptic poem I released to announce this announcement? I lied about the girl with the paintbrush part. That poem was meant for a prequel I planned on releasing, but this is way more relevant. I mean.. we can still do it though if you guys are down... just sayin...

V. ANY QUESTIONS OR WORDS FOR ME? INLINE COMMENT EM RIGHT HERE!!! Even if it's to express excitement, because I'm screaming as I type this. ❤️

I CAN'T WAIT to write for you again. It will never stop being a pleasure or a highlight of my day. You all help me follow my dreams. There is no better gift than your love and support. I hope you will join me then. If not, have a lovely day, dear. I am glad Tear the Sky was enough to steal your heart. If you do decide to join, LETS MOVE THIS PARTY TO THE OTHA BOOK, HUH?

hehe, I'll see you all again soon.

Thank you so, so, so much for giving me the freedom to do these things.

With love,

(3rd Queen of the Eternal Realm)

M(3rd Queen of the Eternal Realm)

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