The Fiction Awards 2019

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TTS Fam!!!

It's been so long, oh my goodness

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It's been so long, oh my goodness. There are a few things I'm excited to announce, but first, how are you? It's been a little over year since I've been heavily involved here in this book, but I love to be able to come and check up on all of you.

If you're returning to school, best of luck. You're going to smash your exams and the challenges that come to stand in your way. Believe in yourself, work hard, and find the joy in each day.

If you're busting your tail at work, then keep it up! If no one has told you today, you did a splendid job. (and if you didn't, we've all got those days. It's okay.)

Not that anyone asked, lmao, but I've just started my very last volleyball season. By the time December comes around, I won't play the sport that I love anymore. I'll go back to being a normal girl. But on the bright side, I'm a normal girl that gets to hopefully continue to write for all of you. And maybe I'll get over my fear of failure and write an actual original story that I can send to a publisher one day. I'll consider posting it here so that I don't feel completely alone. ❤️

ANYWAY, I'm spreading this announcement around because Tear the Sky got shortlisted for the Fiction Awards.


The freaking Fiction Awards.

Under "Best of the Undiscovered", you'll find Grey and Luca's story among a few others.

Thank you so much for that. It is your support that allows amazing things like this to happen. It's because golden souls like you join this journey that we even get a chance to reach such a milestone. I'll never stop thanking any of you for being a part of this. And I'll never stop being grateful that you took time out of your day to find a love for this story.

If you've got time, please consider voting for TTS in the Fiction Awards!

If not for me, then for Grey and Luca and the fallen angels that turned out to be pretty cool guys.

I love you all so much. Thank you again.

There's a link to the voting page here! >>>

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There's a link to the voting page here! >>>

(And honestly it's not a big deal if we don't get further than this. We freaking made it!)

With love,


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