49: Beautiful As Sin

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Luca paced back and forth atop a plush ottoman

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Luca paced back and forth atop a plush ottoman. In the overcast skies she appeared blacker than normal, the white fur on her paws just as bright as the sun trying to force it's way through the clouds. Grey sat on a comfortable armchair three feet away, staring outside the gargantuan glass window that offered a shameless view of Paris. She sipped on tea and finished her breakfast.

"If I let you do this," Luca said, "then there are lessons you must learn."

Grey took a nibble of her croissant, pleasantly surprised at the chocolate filling. "Such as?"

Luca stopped pacing, sitting on her hind legs before Grey's teapot. "The characteristics and behavior of Dark souls."

"I'm listening," said Grey. Every now and then she would sneak a look at the busy city. People walking down the streets, the gorgeous yet aged architecture. It felt like in this city traveled back in time.

"As long as the hellfire courses through Jin, he does not have a moral compass. He acts on free will and his desires only. That may be a silver lining for you, seeing that he can at least make the conscious choice not to hurt you."

Grey said, "Free will can't be that bad. I use it. Amelia uses it."

"Yet, your intentions differ. You and Amelia respond to urges to help others. You understand kindness or acts of service. Jin does not receive these messages. He physically cannot. Every good emotion: generosity, humility, and the rest are few and far between. He may accidentally save someone, but that is only an accident. The Dark are too callous to perform good deeds."

"So he's insensitive to others. Selfish," Grey said.

"Yes, and they also tend to adopt a cruel nature since they lack remorse for the suffering of others. Remorse is sympathy, and sympathy expresses care, which translates into a positive emotion he does not register. Understand?"

She nodded, putting her plate atop a stack of magazines on a small, glass table. Licking the chocolate off her fingers, she beckoned for Luca to continue with her free hand.

"I express all of this to say, if you plan on appealing to his past feelings for you, the approach is useless."

Grey's eyebrow twitched. "How useless are we talking?"

"His reception to love has turned off. The affection you plan to give him will not have impact. Actually, he may assume you are only following him. Stalking him, more like."

"And sexual advances?" Grey asked.

Luca blinked, flustered. "I am not sure he would let anyone get that far considering he cannot feel them."

"See, that's where I don't believe you." Grey crossed one leg over another.

Luca's head tilted. "I think it unwise for you to give him your body if he cannot give you his heart," she said.

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