41: Rise Together, Stand Alone

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What was it like being lied to?

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What was it like being lied to?

It was feeling a cigarette butt scorch one's skin as someone else dug the burning tobacco into some place vulnerable. It was being cut into; not in the sense of someone ripping flesh apart, but just poking you with the point enough to make you bleed. You recovered from both injuries, but they left marks. They left dents in one's wall of security. 

They put Grey a bit on edge. 

She wandered to the library where everyone most likely assembled around their chosen reading table. For her, they would wait. She found more interest in the tip of Namjoon's hunting knife than in being punctual to their meeting. Her fingers grazed the length of the blade, enjoyed the smoothness. It was such a pretty thing used for such a lethal purpose. And maybe that's what she was. A lovely thing that, with just enough force behind it, became capable of defying the odds.

The library was silent when she entered, eight heads swiveled in her direction. Behind every eye passed a silent judgment, most of them passive or indifferent. She did not care. Sighing, she slid Namjoon's knife back into her boot and gently placed herself at the last seat which happened to be beside the head of the table. Vanity regarded her kindly. Grey did not acknowledge her.

"Let's begin," Grey said, smiling mirthlessly.

"Actually," Luca said, "We are going on a field trip. You might want to put on a coat."

"Where to?"

"The cemetery mausoleum where you took those pictures. Seeing the passage in person will make it easier for Vanity and I to translate the message." Luca's tail swished back and forth excitedly.

Vanity said, "I'm glad to finally join you all on this next part of the journey. It was dreadful being so close but so far for so many years."

All the angels grinned. At least, all the ones that could be in attendance. Grey wished Jin were here so that could sneak him an eyeroll and not be persecuted for it. 

Luca bowed, her head laying between her two front paws as though she were stretching her back. "Our Queen, it is wonderful having you. As we serve one another, we will serve you as well with our utmost respect."

Grey coughed lightly, training her eyes at a bookshelf on the opposite end of the library. Everyone turned to her, confusion marring their superhuman features.

"What?" Grey asked, furrowing her brows in concern.

Yoongi crossed his arms. "Do you have something to say?"

She grinned. "I'm just glad our numbers have grown. We'll be prepared for anything. I look forward to whatever comes next."

Yoongi frowned, narrowing his gaze onto Grey. "Anything else?"

"Sure," Grey said. She turned in her seat to Vanity and said, "I don't feel sympathy for liars. I also don't rejoice in their revival."

Grey stood from her seat, the scorching attention bringing a blush to her cheeks. She pushed her chair back in softly, almost daring someone to speak up. When they did not, a smug smile spread against her lips.

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