Our Birthday's Coming Up!

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Hello, hello, hellooo!

It's me! The girl that's been killing your notifications with Blood of Dawn updates! The girl that's spamming your timelines! It's me!!! I'm back and at it again! Someone stop me! I'm so sorry!

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It's me! The girl that's been killing your notifications with Blood of Dawn updates! The girl that's spamming your timelines! It's me!!! I'm back and at it again! Someone stop me! I'm so sorry!


Tear the Sky was published on May 23, 2018. It has almost been a full year since her debut. 

She's grown so much, but most importantly, she continues to touch awesome readers like you

I will never ever stop saying this. It is because of you that the Tear the Sky fam grows. It is because of you that her first year has been so special. It is because of you that she was able to thrive and create a community that's so precious and cherished.

I also never want to stop showing my gratitude as an author that was literally graced with the love and support of all of you. I never want to take any moment for granted. And because of that,

this birthday is damn special and we're gonna celebrate the hell out of it.

We are having a party!

Sparkling Jinnie would like to present: 




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