56: Grey, Second Queen

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Against the fireplace roaring behind her, Grey was a replication of the licking flames

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Against the fireplace roaring behind her, Grey was a replication of the licking flames. For all anyone could tell, she could have jumped from the ashes in the mantel or flew in from the flyaway embers that skirt towards the ceiling. She was stern, intent, and poised. A commander.

With her hands clasped behind her back, she mercilessly eyed the map of Seoul Namjoon had laid on one of the reading tables an hour ago. The others gathered around the table in a circle planning their own routes or deciding where they might contribute most. Grey cleared her throat, all of their heads swiveling to greet her.

She leaned her hands on the table. "We agree on a general consensus that Solis plans a full-scale attack?"

Yoongi nodded. "It's his last shot and his best."

Jin spoke up from her side. "He doesn't want to just kill us. He wants to make an example of us. Exploit our weaknesses so that lower demons see and get their own ideas." He was a breath away from being shoulder to shoulder with Grey. He hadn't left her side all morning. It was now late afternoon and he was glued to the same place. "The Blood Moon lets him do that. He won't come any later because by then it won't matter. If he comes earlier, we can be ready."

"I can't believe it's tomorrow," Vanity mumbled. She huffed, her auburn hair shifting out of her eyes. Luca jumped out of Taehyung's arms onto the table, padding over the map just to land in her sister's lap.

"It's time we finish it," Jungkook said, his dark eyes like pieces of coal alight with the fireplace's reflection. "I'm sick of this."

"Namjoon," Grey said, "list off the nearest streets again."

The Intellect pointed to each relevant line on the map, the names rolling off his tongue. She nodded, thinking of all the businesses she knew on this street. She said, "Have we solved the pedestrian problem at all? No innocents should be touched if we can help it."

He made a diamond shape with his finger, squaring in an entire area of city. "This entire section received notices from KSJ that it isn't wise to conduct business tomorrow. Also, a good word from Jungkook to the chief of police assured us that these streets will be closed anyway."

"Perfect." Grey purposely averted her gaze from the bodyguard. "Since civilians are safe, we can really talk business." She pointed to a red dot on the map where all the chess pieces practically piled atop one another. "It goes without saying KSJ Industries is our base. This is what we have to protect. Think of it like a visual representation of our progress. The less it gets wrecked, the better we're doing."

Jimin twisted a ring around his finger. "Solis has a thing for our wards. It'll be a big achievement for him to get through the one surrounding this block. Then he'll head straight for us."

Taehyung said, "It's like a game of Jenga."

Grey played that with her parents once. There were wooden sticks piled as high as they could go and players took turns removing sticks until the tower fell down. 

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