CQ&A 4 - Ana, Auth feat. Nico

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(A/N: I'm sorry but LOOK AT THIS MEME LMFAO.)

Q: Where and how did you all find the resources and conviction to build a world-famous empire after you fell?

JIN: It starts with one man and a dream.

NAMJOON: *sigh*

NICO: That one man must be me.

JIN: I had a rough outline, give me some credit.

YOONGI: Answer the question.

JIN: More than half of it began with my investment. Nicolai had the expertise in the field we wanted to enter. I had the business sense from working several other jobs and owning smaller businesses. We also had a starting team of my brothers to find clients. Our goal wasn't just to create a business, but a bank that would be our stronghold.

JUNGKOOK: We needed a base where we could all meet and gather.

Q: What is your favorite thing about your favorite person (that we know of)?

JIN: Time to sit back and let the love roll in. 

TAEHYUNG: *smiles at Jungkook* I really love Kookie's humility. He's always so calm and cool. And he's powerful without bragging. Can you guys think of a time when Jungkook boasted?

JIN: *rolls his eyes while cracking a smile*

JIMIN: *turns in his seat to Taehyung* I appreciate your ferocity. You're scary when you transform, but it's so cool.

TAE: Thank you. I think it's cool when you punch through walls.

NICO: So we have Jimin and Tae's answer. Who is next?

HOSEOK: *sits up* I'll go! I like how Namjoon makes plans with the chess pieces and maps it out like a game. That was clever of him, and he's clever.

JOON: Thank you, Hoseok. I like how you made your wings shoot arrows. That was a nice move that you mastered. That's not my favorite thing about you, but if I started a list, then I couldn't stop.

YOONGI: I like seeing Jungkook's sword power again during the Blood Moon. It'd been a really long time since he did it and he looked super powerful tearing through Drakar's army.

HOSEOK: Yeaaah, that was really impressive.

JIMIN: Yoongi, aren't I just as impressive?


TAE: How many more people have to go?

NICO: The question is our favorite thing about our favorite people. Not our favorite attacks.

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