Credits + Activities

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check out this awesome song! I consider it the theme song of the story.

Sparkling Jinnie, here! The credits contain an Author's Note, Acknowledgments, PlaylistAn Author Q&A, and a POLL + FINAL THOUGHTS for whether or not anyone wants Bonus Features! It also follows this exact order, so skip as you see fit.


(A/N) Beautiful reader,

This is it. Can you believe it?

I can't.

I began this story in late May of 2018. I didn't know what I was doing, but I sat on my family couch and planned chapters 1-20. I stressed over the minute details of each character, what they would mean in the journey. The things they would learn, all that good stuff. I also imagined a girl that would jump in to this adventure and let it consume her. That's Grey. A girl that found her way to the end, wearing her heart on her sleeve. 

Nothing could have prepared me, sparklingjin, for the journey it would take me on personally. I made friends. I felt genuine support. I learned how to give it in return. I think one of the coolest things though, was seeing how a tiny idea blossomed to create such a wonderful, warm community. Before, I was so afraid of what everyone would think. Now I see how silly I was being. You guys are incredible. I can't even express what you mean to me.

For those of you that have come this far throughout the story, I must commend you. Give yourself a pat on the back. The first chapter of this book is freaking weird. Like why the hell did I put a bear in the park? On top of that, every chapter following was an anthology. Yet, you didn't lose your mind and you arrived here. With me. I cannot explain to you how much that warms my heart. And maybe you did lose your mind, but I suppose we'll never be able to tell.

To those that commented and voted, let me tell you. That support meant everything. Somewhere out there, someone else believed in my characters, my story. Knowing that carried me through many challenges. Most importantly, it helped me believe in myself.

So, thank you.

For everything.

My final wish is for you to do what you love, and for you to love yourself. You are too lovely and too inspiring not to express yourself.

And I hope that you, too, write the story that is on your heart.

With every ounce of love,

M.S. (Third Queen of the Eternal Realm)

(P.S. I have to say this one more time: holy granola.)



TBH this is the first book I've ever finished, so this is necessary.

N, your graphics are unlike any I've seen. Even though you ignored me the first time, I'm grateful you came back. ;) "It's bad but like, here we are"

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