36: A Night That Never Ends

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He was alive

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He was alive. That changed the entire game.

Luca, prepared to champion and defend any one of her charges, figured that this reunion may occur. However, she did not anticipate the confusion that accompanied finding her long-lost brother. Because laying eyes on him at the cemetery, her instinct to protect unraveled, and pure emotion overrode a millennia of training. Raw, sore, aching vulnerability stripped her naked before his gaze. It was the most human she'd ever felt.

The most useless she'd ever felt too. Cowering behind Taehyung in the hopes that Rowan would not detect the celestial energy she carried everywhere. Poor Taehyung, who lied in the face of danger just to keep her safe, fully understanding that it may cost him whatever the First King wanted to take. Whether that be a limb, his heart, his head, or things more abstract such his sense of security or his soul. Poor, poor Taehyung, coming toe to toe with his own fear and the fear of the entire realm. Unable to control himself, unable to stop the change. 

The boy still slept in Jimin's lap, eyes closed peacefully. His horns were gone.

"What did you see?" It was Seokjin, crossing his arms and leaning forward to put them on his legs. "What's the matter?"

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, you have to say something if you want our help." 

But, it wasn't that easy.

Luca ignored them, sinking into her own mind for retreat.

This moment mattered. This decision mattered. It decided everything. Catalyzed a reaction that would see it's way through to the time the sky turned red. All hers to make and no one else's. A choice fit for a king.

Should I tell them?

If she did not, Luca knowingly set them up. Rowan said himself in the park that he did not care about the invitation or where it came from. His appearance was not guaranteed. The only thing the First King wanted was Taehyung's allegiance, or allegiance from any one of them. Even so, say that Anaphiel charged into Vanity's abode with complete faith and confidence in their abilities. Then, just as they were to succeed, Rowan and all his strength wiped them off the face of the planet.

No matter how she weighed the outcome, it remained the same. Rowan was the beginning and the end.

On the other hand, if she did tell them, this mission transcended the typical boundaries of search and rescue. It metamorphosed into a declaration of war. It brought them from their place in the shadows to the light. It alarmed the living creatures and non-living creatures of this realm alike that Anaphiel stood against their rulers, for themselves, for humanity.

But Luca, based on her comparative knowledge in Nico, was not sure if these seven men, after centuries of loss, sorrow, and disappointment, were ready to bear such titles.

"Luca!" Jungkook shouted angrily.

Tears welled in the cat's eyes. "I will not fail you."

The room fell silent, the angels taken aback by the weakness in her voice.

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