35: You Are Cordially Invited

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Taehyung stroked Luca's back out of boredom

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Taehyung stroked Luca's back out of boredom. Each time, the cat bristled, baring her fangs as a warning. He was being too aggressive. He knew that. But, he couldn't help it when his nerves were on edge and he could do nothing to combat the silence.

The cemetery was quiet. Too quiet. He'd watched Grey enter around sunrise this morning and he hadn't seen any movement since. By now, the sun was setting and he wondered when she planned on leaving. Jin would have dinner ready soon, and tonight it was Grey's favorite. An early birthday gift and a chance for Anaphiel to show their condolences. Well... show their condolences as best as they could. Namjoon tutored them on how to make humans feel better, and Hoseok went on the internet to find other ways. Each of them made a card, some bought flowers, others found other sentimental gifts to package up and send with Taehyung when he followed her this morning.

With his free hand, Taehyung fiddled with the ribbon tying together all their homemade cards. His was the best. At least, he hoped she would think so.

"Petting me is supposed to ease your anxiety, not add to it," Luca growled.

Taehyung took his hand off of Luca. She scampered away, sitting in the other seat at their iron-wrought bench. Oddly enough, the bench faced the cemetery. Taehyung thought about it's placement. Who would voluntarily watch a collection of graves?

He asked, "You think she will like the gifts?"

"She will melt for them. A group of numb young men tackled a heap of glue, glitter, and stickers to see her smile. I, however, do not think Seokjin will be pleased by the amount of sparkle you all left to clean up later."

Taehyung chuckled. "He will be fine."

Luca sighed heavily. "I can only imagine what it must be like to lose a family. Especially before a birthday." When Taehyung's face crinkled in confusion, Luca knew to elaborate. She said, "It is hard for even me to explain Death, as you and I have never had it looming over our existence."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. Luca's ears perked, a gesture equivalent to a shrug. "Well, we have never had it haunting us before this entire mess."

"That's better," Taehyung said.

"If I can find a way to translate what Grey is feeling, then imagine all of your brothers. Even if you cannot clearly tell one another you love him, it is implicit that you would do anything for them. Then, one day, they vanish. There is no Anaphiel. Think of that."

"I can't." Taehyung crossed one leg over the other. He physically could not consider it. It made him sick to his stomach. "They're all I've ever known."

"Exactly. She deserves this time to grieve." Luca leaned against the bench's arm railing. Quickly, she added, "Without our prying eyes."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You're on this again?"

"She explicitly asked every one of us not to follow her for the sake of private time. You worriers could not respect her wishes."

"I'll be damned if she steps outside without protection," Taehyung said. As though to make a point, he shifted his position and stared into the graveyard with stiff concentration. "Nothing touches her."

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