19: Twenty-Four Hours

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Vanity was thankful she'd gotten a pedicure yesterday so that today, as she promenaded down one of Seoul's busiest streets, she would have the opportunity to wear her favorite bejeweled pumps

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Vanity was thankful she'd gotten a pedicure yesterday so that today, as she promenaded down one of Seoul's busiest streets, she would have the opportunity to wear her favorite bejeweled pumps. Rhinestones blanketed every inch of the shoes, except for the cushioned soles and apple-red bottoms. In the morning sun, they blinded onlookers.

She held her phone to her ear, popping her cinnamon gum when she wasn't speaking--and that was majority of the time because Rowan liked to hear himself talk. At the same time, she alternated from chewing to puckering her lips and blowing onto her freshly done manicure. Since she'd gotten a bit tired of red, she switched up her nail colors to a coat of matte black that swallowed sunlight.

Rowan barked over the line. "Are you still listening to me?"

"I'm listening, but I'm not paying attention."

She imagined his dramatic pause from whatever he was busy doing halfway across the world. "Repeat one thing I've said in this conversation." 

"World destruction, blah blah. My army is almost ready, blah blah. The mortal women love me, but that's until they find out I have a small wingspan." She laughed at the last part, the sound as pretty as a tinkling silver bell. "Oops, I gave you three."

"You're a monster pain in the ass."

She pouted, whimpering into the phone, "You don't mean that. You need me."

"Why, exactly?"

"You do the killing in cold blood, I keep the kids busy."

Rowan grumbled. "Don't get comfortable, Vanity. They'll get desperate with such little time left."

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes. "I have it under control. Did you send me the proper arrangements?"

"They are all accounted for, General." She hated when he spat that word at her. Like it was a slap in the face or a way to kick her down in rank. Rowan was no better than her. He added spitefully, "Since your hounds failed to solve your petty problem."

"The bitch got lucky. She won't this time."

Rowan's hmph was bored, inquisitive. "How do you know?"

"I don't lose."


Namjoon followed Grey from the kitchen after she scarfed down a few pieces of fruit and banana milk. She had tried to make her presence as unnoticeable as possible while the men spied on one another in between bites from their plates and drinks from their glasses. To make a long story short, there had been a storm brewing in the room after Namjoon made it known that she would be a lonely girl at a very populated party.

It felt good to finally escape. So good, that Grey pulled her earphones from her purse and plugged them into her phone. There hadn't been any time for music in the past few days between the demanding work schedule and endless confrontations with all of the same people. As her current obsession started to play, someone tapped her shoulder.

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