43: Reflections of the Clouds

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Jungkook held her bags even though she'd told him several times not to because of his injuries

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Jungkook held her bags even though she'd told him several times not to because of his injuries. Together, they browsed a news shop for snacks and magazines while Hoseok spoke with the airline attendant behind the desk.

"I bet I can pick your favorite snack," he said with a bunny grin.

She smiled, raising an eyebrow. "I've never snacked around you."

He said, "Give me three tries."

Grey gestured to the shelves expectantly. A variety of candies, chips, and healthier alternatives dangled from spokes in the wall. He reached for a bag of Haribo gummy bears and a box of Pocky sticks. For his third pick, he grabbed a stick of Hi-Chew.

"How did I do?"

She gaped at the selections as he handed them off. "I love all three," she said.

He chuckled. "I know. Do you want anything else?"

Hoseok snapped his fingers behind them. Grey and Jungkook turned, glancing at the display of tickets in his hand. "You kids ready?"

Grey giggled, rolling her eyes. "We're kids now?"

He smiled, pinching her cheek. "You are all my ducklings while Jin is asleep. Follow Uncle Hobi."

Jungkook paid for the snacks--against her pleading--and at least let her carry that little bag. The three of them reunited with the larger group that had gotten comfortable at a sitting area near ticketing. Each angel and monarch grabbed their luggage. Amelia yanked her suitcase to her side before Namjoon could even look at it. But, as Grey expected her to walk at her side, her best friend stayed put next to the leader, giving her a small smile when their eyes met.

"Grey," Vanity whispered. Grey startled, whipping her head to the side where Vanity snuck up on her. The human girl put a hand over her heart.

"What do you need?"

The Queen opened her mouth, then faltered. Her stride remained elegant, regal even until she stepped onto the escalator next to Grey. "I-I don't know how to phrase this," she began, lowering her gaze shyly, "Would you be able to give me a makeover?"

A silk scarf covered Vanity's head. Large sunglasses hung from the collar of her shirt. The paint on her nails chipped and some of those sharp nails were broken to stubs.

The irony, Grey thought. Her name still meant pride.

"I'm not the fashionable one," Grey said, already seeing the dilemma as her eyes cut to Amelia.

Before she could backtrack, Vanity said, "She would know what to do, but I'm the last person she would help. It's really my hair that needs the most assistance." She diligently slid the scarf back. Her formerly scarlet roots were white and rose gold. Grey still couldn't get over the nails.

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