CQ&A 3 - L, A, G

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Q: Among Anaphiel, who would you rather pet you in your cat form?

A: Great question. I will proceed from eldest to youngest. Seokjin has never volunteered to hold or pet me until he had to or needed to. I think that after all these years, he never adjusted to thinking of me as his King and his loyal feline friend at the same time. Yoongi is very gentle when he holds me. It almost makes me feel special. Hoseok does a decent job, but he is so loud that it is hard for me to relax near him. Imagine trying to take a nap and getting screamed at. Namjoon will start to pet me, but get so caught up in his own mind he forgets I am in his lap. It is annoying having to nudge him to get what I am asking for. I quite enjoy Jimin, except for when he tries to pick me up and make me sleep on his bed at night. I feel more like a prisoner with him. Taehyung gives me the most proper attention even though we bicker. He also acknowledges that I love being scratched under the chin and behind the ears. As for Jungkook... well, the boy is a tad awkward with animals. Taehyung will be my best bet with Yoongi a close second.

Q: If your other form wasn't a cat, what would it be?

A: I would like to try being a fox because they are mischievous and also adorable. It would be difficult to blend in as a fox in an urban setting though. So perhaps a ferret as a last choice. If you thought I would ever say dog then you are sorely mistaken.

Q: Do you like hugs?

A: Yes, but not too tight. 

Q: Which form do you like to be in most, cat, man, or kid?

A: Being a cat is far too comfortable to resist. Napping, sugary snacks, being pet all the time? I would be a fool to pass it up. 

Q: What is your favorite thing about your favorite person?

A: I can only pick one favorite, hm? I admire Variel's resiliency. She is my one and only sister, also my weakness so this may be by default. However, she remained trapped in someone else's mind for centuries and never forgot who she was. I was heavily leaning towards choosing one of my younger friends like Grey or Anaphiel or Amelia, but I could not pick between them. I care for them too much.

Q: Who out of Anaphiel should never own a pet?

A: I pray for the animal that must be trapped in Park Jimin's room as a hostage.

Q: Who was the most handsome member of Anaphiel?

A: Seokjin must have submitted this one. 

M.S. : I cannot disclose the identities of our participants.

LUCA: I will not give him the satisfaction. It was me, Seokjin. I was the most handsome. 

Q: How are you so wise? You helped so many people with figuring things out. How can you do that?

A: Time. Experience.


Q: How did you feel when you first encountered Joon? Was it love at first sight, or hate that turned into fondness?

A: The second one. I can't even say I hated him, I just didn't know what the hell he was and I didn't care to know. He was the only one that tried to talk to me when I first got there, so that at least let me know he spoke my language. His attempts to keep reaching out really helped too. Grey wasn't telling me much, but he was telling me what he knew in that cryptic, mysterious, 'I am Namjoon and my brain is too big for my body' kind of way. That was all I asked for, and he answered.

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