17: Venom and Ice

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Kim Seokjin glowered at the sleeping black cat in the corner of his office

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Kim Seokjin glowered at the sleeping black cat in the corner of his office. It was shamelessly comfortable on its bed, white paws covering a tiny face underneath. He scoffed as a dry gurgle echoed to the high ceiling. How dare it have the audacity to snore. 

If he didn't have to face the repercussions, he'd lock it in a storage closet or switch the little cretan out with another one at a local adoption. 

Air whooshed against his balcony windows, slapping the glass in one mild sonic boom. If those panels ever broke, he'd never let Hoseok hear the end of it. The locks on the sliding door clicked, and at last, the other man wormed through a skinny opening. The smell of heavy clouds drifted to Jin in his seat, the incoming fresh rain opening his airways. When the balcony closed, Hoseok held out his arms and shook the waterfall of jet black feathers cascading from his skin. Like a bird ruffling it's wings, the angel wagged and shifted them into comfortable formation.

Of all their new abnormalities, he wondered how Hoseok adapted to his. Wings were supposed to be on one's back. Except, similar to a raven or a crow, his wings attached to his limbs. Thoughtlessly, Hoseok jerked his elbows. The oddity shot back into his upper arms like it never existed.

He said, "I want to talk to you. Man to man."

Jin pushed the paperwork he'd been skimming to the side of his desk. "Whatever you need."

"You need to tell her about the curse."

"Me? Why me?" The CEO's face twisted as though he'd tasted something sour.

Hoseok lowered himself into an armchair before the desk. "She trusts you the most."

"I doubt that." Jin picked up a pen, ready to dive back into his work.

Hoseok leaned forward in his seat. "Humans put their faith in the people they run to. You sheltered her on more than one occasion, you petitioned for her protection. She. Trusts. You."

Mortals were quick to throw hope in the direction of their first savior, Seokjin knew. Grey might not look at him the same way she looked at Jungkook or Taehyung or Jimin now, but she hid behind him at the meeting a few days ago. She faced his shadows in the Great Hall, knowing he wouldn't strike against her. In her eyes then he'd seen her rock-solid determination grating against his own fury, her love for humanity hardening her into a fighter. She'd go to war for the beings she loved.

He rubbed his temples and squinted his eyes shut as the next thought crossed his cluttered mind.

One day, would she do that for me?

He snarled, his answer coming out far more aggressively to Hoseok than he first hoped. "She doesn't need to know. If it works, it works."

"Without telling her there is no guarantee. Right now there is a chance that she's receptive." Hoseok's expression was stubborn, immovable. He was agitated and he used his hands to talk.

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