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Mark's POV

I checked for her breathing, she had a very weak pulse. The tears in my eyes finally made their way out when I saw the bruises in her body, mainly on her neck.

I felt disgusted to even think of what that monster might have done to her. I shook her body, I kept screaming her name only to see her eyes open.

I couldn't bear to see her like this, if only I didn't let her decide that day. I shook her violently and after a while she opened her eyes but very slightly. I felt myself relaxing when I saw her looking around.

Suddenly her eyes got teary and I couldn't help but hug her.

"I'm so sorry Rin-ah, I'm such a bad friend. I shouldn't have listened to you." I said and pulled away before looking at her.

"Would you be able to stand?" I asked her softly knowing that we needed to get out of this house.

She looked at me and nodded.

I helped her up and she was able to stand on her own, I walked alongside her to make sure she doesn't fall down. I held my arm around her waist and I used the other hand to hold her's tightly.

We started moving and when we were almost close to going out, the door got shut on our faces.
Sohrin flinched and looked towards me, we turned around as we felt a cold breeze that sent shivers through our skin.

Jungkook stood in front of us, but not the one we invited to live with is, but the one who we saved in that forest.
He looked the same as the day when we first saw him.

Blood on his body, cuts and bruises on his face and clothes torn apart. I turned to Sohrin and she had her eyes wide open. She looked like she was mourning from the inside, I couldn't even blame her for that.

He grinned as he watched us.

"Going somewhere? How dare you try leaving me alone?" He said and I felt myself getting angrier than I already was.

I turned and shook the door with every force I had in me. When it opened I was shocked but quickly brought Sohrin towards it.

"Rin, I need you to get in the car and wait for me." I told her firmly and pushed her outside when she was about to protest.

She went out and I turned around to look at him again.
He still had a smile on his face.

"That old hag must have told you a lot for you to hate me like this, huh?"

He said and I nodded.

Before I could say anything, he came in front of me in the blink of an eye. He looked at me like he was analysing my face.

"She's mine,
she was meant to be.
Call me selfish,
But I'm never going to set her free."

Those were his words before he raised his hands to strangle me. I was choking, no matter what I did, it was invincible in front of his strength.

Raising my body, he threw my body like I was a piece of paper. I got up and ran outside to the car while caughing. Sohrin was waiting inside like I asked her to.

"What happened?!" She said, her eyes at my abdomen.

I looked down and saw that it was covered in my blood, I must have been hurt when I fell.

I shook my head as a sign saying that it was nothing. I drove off from there and decided to take us to my place.

Sohrin's POV

I couldn't do anything but think about Jungkook, even after all he did to me, my heart wasn't ready to believe that it was him.

I didn't want to belive what I saw. I looked at Mark's wound and the questions in my head kept growing.

Did Jungkook do that to him? Why would he do something like that?

I shook my head completely disappointed. I didn't know what to do either. The face he had when we stood in front of him, it was unbelievable. I was terrified just looking at him.

Mark clenched his hand around his wound and his hands were getting bloody.

"Mark, where are we going now?" I asked him.

"I'm taking us to my place, that's the only thing I can think of right now." He said calmly and kept his eyes on the road.

"We should go to the Hospital first, your wound is getting worse. Please." I said to him, more like begged him because I knew how much he hated going to the hospital to get him self treated.

He looked at me before turning his gaze back on the road. He nodded and turned to direct our way towards the hospital.

A sudden loud screech filled the air and I heard a loud thud, as much as I tried keeping my eyes open I couldn't.

Soon my eyes were shut and everything turned black.

To be continued...

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