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Jungkook's POV

I opened my eyes and took a good look around the room. I was here...

I smiled to myself to know that I was able to get out, my eyes searched for the woman I loved wholeheartedly.
She was nowhere to be seen. Getting out of the bed, the first thing I saw was my reflection on the mirror in front of me.

My face looked tired and I had bags under my eyes, I frowned. What was he doing?

Leaving all thoughts aside, I made my way downstairs in search of her, but she wasn't here at all. The unusual silence was making me nervous.

I couldn't help but worry about where she was but at the same time, I knew she'll come back. I couldn't do anything else but wait patiently.

Sohrin's POV

My body was still hurting and I couldn't think of anything but Jungkook. All that I knew now.

But what could I do? Nothing, nothing at all.
I love him, I could never stop. And I didn't know what to do with my life now. After what the doctor told me.

I was lying on the hospital bed, my gaze probably piercing through the ceiling. The sound of my heart beating was heard clearly from the monitor.

If only we never took up that project. If only I didn't let my kindness destroy me, my happiness, my brother.

Did he ever love me?

What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't just let him go, I couldn't do anything. The door opened and in came two police officers.

Once they were in they took off their caps and walked closer to me. I was starting to lift myself up when one of them signaled me to lay down comfortably.

They took a seat next to me and showed me their badges. One of them took out a pen and a notebook.

"Ms., we will be needing your statement. You were found by one of the women who lived in the neighborhood, she said that you had a lot of wounds and cuts, she specified saying that you looked completely injured head to toe.
We need all the information you can give us. This could've been a case of murder!"

He says and I shook my head.

"No Sir, It was just a few muggers, nothing else. They asked me for money and anything valuable. When I rejected they went all violent on me." I lied to them.

I couldn't just tell them that the spirit of an old woman who I never knew before did this to me.

They looked at each other and back at me.

"Do you recognize any of them, or maybe remember their faces. Any description."

He asked and waited patiently for my answer. So did the woman behind them, staring right into my eyes. The real reason because of whom I was in that state.

"They had masks and were hooded. I wasn't able to have a good look at them at all. Also, I don't want to file a case. Besides, I should be fine."

I said and they believed me, or so I thought. But they agreed on not wanting to file a case. Although, I knew they were not quite convinced and so they gave me their numbers written on a piece of paper for any case of emergency.

Soon they left and she came closer to me, with each footstep, a chill ran through my body. Couldn't they see her?

She stood in front of me and I could feel the cold rising through my veins and to my skin. The feeling I was now used to.

She raised her palm and brought it closer to me, slowly placing it on top of my abdomen. Her pale white fingers caressing my belly.
Her eyes always staring at mine. 

Her pitch black eyes piercing through mine creating fear in me once again.

And in the blink of an eye, she wasn't there anymore. I could feel tears ready to pour out but I held them in. I wish none of this ever happened.

I got up and changed into my casual clothes before the nurse came back. She held my arms gently and led the way. As we got out, there was a cab already waiting for me.

Within a few minutes, I was back home, the place where the man I once loved still resided. Getting out of the car, I was told by the driver that the payment was already done at the hospital.

I nodded and turned my gaze to the house in front of me. I put my hands on the backside of my jeans and took out the gun I was hiding.

It was easier than I thought to get it out of the gun lock that the policeman from before held.

I didn't know what I was going to do. But I had to do something, especially when a part of him was in me.

To be continued....

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